RE: ISA Online Gaming Help

  • From: "John Tolmachoff \(Lists\)" <johnlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'[ Discussion List]'" <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:37:07 -0700

> We are a small college in Missouri and our students, in their door rooms,
> have access to the internet through our ISA server.  A large number of
> students have wanted to play online games such as Everquest, Diablo2, and
> a host of others.  We are having problems with getting them through the
> ISA server with these online games.  They are on a private IP range which
> is DHCP'd out to them.

So, you want to open Pandora's box, do you? And to students non-the-less!
And to college students non-the-less!

In all honesty, I would not recommend this.

1. These games require Static Public IP addresses on the computer.
2. You will be allowing thousands of other gamers from around the world into
your network.
3. Expect huge bandwidth usage.
4. Expect lots of collisions on the network. Thousands.
5. You will have to create protocol definitions for many port ranges (one
for each game) allowing traffic in both directions.

Are you sure you want to do this?


Let them go to a gaming center, or set up a special room with computers for
that purpose, and have those on a separate network behind a firewall like
Sonicwall in Standard mode. Much less headaches.

John Tolmachoff MCSE CSSA
eServices For You

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