[isalist] FTP Access

  • From: "Francis Lapierre" <francis.lapierre@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ISA Server List" <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 12:47:26 -0400

I have a problem with my FTP server and i can't figure what is my problem 
So I have a FTP server on my ISA server 
I have a rule to publish my FTP server 
I have tow access rules for my FTP server inbound and outbound 
I did remove the check box on the read only option in configure FTP 
I can access the FTP server from external and internal 
I can upload things if I access the FTP from my ISA server 
I can't upload things if I'm on a externals resources 
Any Idea 
How can I troubleshoot that? 


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