[icon-discuss] copying books from Bookshare into the import folder

  • From: "Lois" <al419@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "icon-discuss" <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:08:32 -0700

The address of the primary account on the Braille plus differs from the address used by the PC I use to download books from Bookshare. So I have been unzipping bookshare books into folders before copying them into the "other books" folder on the braille plus. After studying some items in the users guide and figuring out how to put zipped NLS digital books directly into the import folder, I figured the same should work for bookshare books. However, when I typed in the requested ID or user's name and password, the ID was not accepted because it's an address on the PC I've been using for bookshare downloads. Must I change the user name with bookshare to the address on the braille plus, or can I have two such ID's for bookshare? Perhaps it is best to continue what I am doing currently. It isn't much trouble to just unzip the books on the pc. Just want to know how other bookshare users are finding it most convenient to do it.

Thank you.
Lois Goodine.
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