[icon-discuss] Re: Nbc nightly news current solution:

  • From: Richard Ehrler <REhrler-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 18:47:00 -0700

I have managed to get some MSNBC feeds to download correctly from time to time in my Icon Braille Plus but have trouble getting them as .mp3 on a regular basis. Almost always I end up with a file called "QuerySplicedItemContent" which I have to rename before I can play it. I can only say that the times it sometimes works is when I have just updated that one feed. Many times though I still get the odd file name that requires the addition of the .mp3 extension before it will play. I have only seen this situation on feeds from the MSNBC site. All other feeds work as expected. Another clue might be that when the file downloads correctly in the pod catcher client it has a different name that includes the broadcast date rather than that QuerySplicedItemContent name business. Think this bug will need someone at LevelStar to catch by doing some behind the scenes debug action while a MSNBC podcast is going through the download process to determine why it frequently fails to leave us with a proper named audio file. Yes, I do have the proper feed address for the nightly news and some other feeds from that site I have tried with the same mixed results.
Richard Ehrler

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