[icon-discuss] Re: External stereo microphone discovery

  • From: "John McCann" <lists@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 22:33:28 -0400

Joe Gionavelli wrote:

"What you did should have produced a stereo recording.  Did you get even a 
mono recording or did you have a blank file?"

[JM]: I got a mono recording, and would, I'm quite certain, have actually 
gotten a stereo recording, had I used the "ok" button in the recorder 
program itself rather than relying on the side button, as I thought the use 
of the side button versus the ok button within the recorder program was of 
no consequence. Blessedly, both Michael Jones and Steve Dresser (via "on 
list posts), set me straight on this point, <smile>! I'm sure I'll be able 
to make great recordings, once I return to my worksite, where I left my 
Olympus recorder and its associated accessories.

And you continued:

"The most obvious thing I can think of is whether you set your machine to 
external microphone?  Yes, it sounds too obvious, too easy."

[JM]: Yes, Kathy Szinnyey made the same inquiry, which surprised me 
initially since, being as anal-retentive as I am, I thought I had stated in 
my imitial post, which, come to find out, I hadn't; but yes, my unit had 
been, (and remains), set for 192KBPS, 44.1KHz, external mike.

And you continued:

"For a bit over 60 years I have been making recordings.  I think I've 
learned how to make about as many mistakes as are possible. I won't list 
them here."

[JM]: Hey, we all make mistakes, and your laudable accomplishments in the 
recording and electronics field are quite well-known to, and respected by, 
those of us former New York city kids who were privileged to have had their 
novice amateur radio examinations administered by you in Brooklyn, <smile>! 
(In my particular case, the code test on the eve of the mighty blizzard of 
'69 [sunday, february 9th to be exact], and the written test two weeks 
later, [february 23].)

And lastly, you concluded:

"I hope something sets you on the right course."

[JM]: Well, actually, not so much "something" as "someone", or, more 
accurately, "someones"; (see above).


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