[ian-reeds-games] requests for script events

  • From: "Victorious" <dtvictorious@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2015 16:56:17 +0800

Hi Craig,


Can you take a look at implementing these?

.         Before skill perform event that returns true if the engine should
continue with performing the skill, false otherwise. Can be used to let
scripts stop skills from being performed e.g skills with a requires_effects
flag or requires_terrain would only work if you had the correct target. I
wonder if it'd be possible to implement global points with this event. When
it returns false, it should probably speak an error message if the scripter
has not supplied one. 

.         Before_movement  and after_movement event. Again, the before move
lets scripts stop the movement.

.         Before_effect_apply event would let me implement effect immunities
and effects that only affected a certain team(s).

.         AI awareness of the results of the above events, so that it won't
try using a skill that it can't use because of before_skill_apply, or
applying effects that it can't. There probably needs to be an internal
function or something like can_apply_effect, can_move or can_use_skill that
calls the before event functions for this to work I think.

.         Effect_fizzling events do not currently get fired when tile
effects fizzle.

.         Exposing of team objects on unit objects so we can query the teams
that this unit is allied or foes with.

.         Terrain objects through a tile property.



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  • » [ian-reeds-games] requests for script events - Victorious