[ian-reeds-games] Re: Starship battles

  • From: shaun everiss <sm.everiss@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 10:49:32 +1200

no problem its just part of a saga of various things, its not even that bad just a pain in the rear.

At 10:20 AM 4/22/2013, you wrote:
Hi Shaun,
I am sorry to hear you have to go intot he hospital. My thoughts and prayers for your speedy recovery.

On the other hand, yeah, you are going to have a lot of time to play games! Hopefully it will be enjoyable.

"The truth will set you free"
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:sm.everiss@xxxxxxxxx>shaun everiss
To: <mailto:ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 5:05 AM
Subject: [ian-reeds-games] Re: Starship battles

I cant wait, I have some hospital time to fix things I won't get into here.
surfise it to say I will not be able to talk for the next week or so
so playing games well.

At 08:31 PM 4/21/2013, you wrote:
>To any who might care about such things...
>Starship battles basic is going to be overwritten by the new map
>pack. That means after monday, the old one is going to be history.
>The new one has over 20 maps, an extended storyline with some
>classic trek plot elements, andthere will be new maps which I think
>people will get a kick out of. The juggernaughts do come back, but
>this time they are a little more balanced, but for anyone who missed
>them, thre is a map just for you! lol. It is total mindless carnage
>and it's just fun.
>I took out two maps from the map pack, but I think the others are all there.
>The first removed was the fog of war map. It was broke and I
>couldn't figure out to fix it and I just tossed it.
>The second one, and please don't hate me for this, is that I got rid
>of the borg map.
>I did this because it simply didn't fit the story. I didn't want it
>as a bonus map, because it just didn't seem to fit, so I am thinking
>of  making a second starship battle map featureing the borg as the
>main antagonist. It would only be about 5 maps, and no more then ten
>if things go right.
>So it isn't going to disappear, just reshuffled.
>HSo just thought I would give a heads up to anyone who felt they
>wanted to keep a copy of the old one, cause after monday the new one
>is going to take it's place.
>"The truth will set you free"
>Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.

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