[ian-reeds-games] Re: Multiplayer server

  • From: Ian Reed <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 17:53:03 -0600

I am writing the new engine from the ground up.
I've learned a lot since I originally wrote TB, and more as I worked on the engine for AHC, plus the multiplayer features require some major architectural changes.
I hope and expect the new engine will have better performance than my previous attempts.
I'm far from perfect though, so we'll have to deal with issues as we encounter them.

On 3/19/2018 5:41 PM, Shaun Everiss wrote:

The issue with tactical battle I found was that if you had a game say startrek elete and you had well several hundred units same with rampage, every action dead destroyed, new generated etc, would add to a memmory buffer.

If that and when that buffer got full the system simply ran out of memmory to actually do anything and crashed, rampage hit this thing really fast.

I am not sure what you guys did with ahc but as I understand you helped with that, now an engine based on that would rock, it certainly never had an issue with a multiple unit thing and if tactical battle maps could work with that system that would rock a lot.

On 20/03/2018 12:31 p.m., Ian Reed wrote:
Yes, it takes scripting much further than TB did.
The new system has 2 roles, builders and coders.
Builders work with roughly the same set of tools that map pack creators used in TB, plus some easy to use file formats for creating menus and JRPG style story dialogs.
Coders use a programming language to define the game rules and player interactions.
Coders have a lot more power than scripters did in TB because they get to define all the game rules, rather than only getting to inject script at a few key points within the TB rule set.
TB is like a very moddable game.
The new system is more like a game engine that lets people build their own games in a high level programming language.
Then it hooks those games up to the builder tools so they can easily be modded.

I'll be making some sample games for the first release, so people can modify them instead of starting from scratch.
There is a lot to do, so it is still quite a ways off, but I am excited for it.

On 3/19/2018 1:58 PM, Monkey wrote:
I'm excited to see what this will look like, I've really enjoyed
making stuff for TB.
Will be able to script for this new engine as well?

On 3/19/18, Ian Reed <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've restarted the TBServer so you can play multiplayer again.
Craig Brett deserves the credit for adding multiplayer capabilities to
Tactical Battle.

I no longer maintain TB, but I am working on a new moddable multiplayer
gaming platform.
I expect it to support a wide variety of turn based games, like card
games, strategy games, classic board games, etc.
I will even remake some of Tactical Battle in it as a sample game that
can be extended and modded by others.
It will be much more moddable than TB, so would better support your
ideas for playing table top games, once it is finished.
The map editor and file format for defining units, skills, effects,
items, terrain, etc, will remain roughly the same, so learning to make
map packs in TB would be a relevant skill for the new system.
I think anyone who has enjoyed being a map pack creator for Tactical
Battle will really enjoy the new system.

On 3/18/2018 8:50 PM, ryan.strunk@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi all,

I was very excited to see that version 3 of TB is playable online.
When I tried to log on, though, the server was down.

Is this still in active development? Is it possible for me to run my
own server?

I would love to explore the possibility of using this setup to play
tabletop games.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



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