[ian-reeds-games] Re: Multiplayer server

  • From: Ian Reed <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 09:07:26 -0600

What version of Windows are you using?
I'm still on Windows 7.
I wish I knew why my intellisense doesn't work in VS 2017, because it would be nice to upgrade my code bases and use the latest language features.
When I last tried to fix this (in January) I updated to the latest version of VS 2017 at that time, and got a fresh copy of both the latest standard release of NVDA, and NVDA from the master branch.
Without adding any addons to NVDA, the intellisense still didn't work for me.
There is also a Visual Studio addon for NVDA which I tried, but no luck.
I'm sure an NVDA developer could figure it out by debugging NVDA a bit and seeing if VS is sending the expected information, etc.
I don't have the time to familiarize myself with the NVDA code base, but if someone knew how I could check at a lower level why NVDA is not speaking the intelisense menus I would love to get to the bottom of this.
I could reinstall Windows which would probably fix it since it seems to work for many others, but I definitely don't have the time for that right now.

On 4/13/2018 8:58 AM, Brandon Cross wrote:

Hi, sorry to jump in like this, but I just wanted to say that I have a relatively fresh install of vs2017 and Intellisense is working with me with NVDA. What got broken from 15 to 17, and I'm not sure who's issue this is, but it will no longer work with NVDA's indent reporting issues.

On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 10:02 AM, Ian Reed <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hey Craig,

    Re .NET Core:
    I'm going to use Windows Forms for a built in IDE because I have
    experience with it and know it can be made pretty accessible for
    screen readers.
    That means at least one of the assemblies needs to remain .NET
    Framework instead of .NET Core.
    That said, I would actually like to make many of the other
    assemblies .NET Standard, and make the server programs .NET Core.
    Unfortunately intellisense does not work for me using NVDA and
    Visual Studio 2017. It used to, but it stopped working a few
    months ago, possibly due to me updating to the latest version of
    VS 2017 at the time, or possibly due to some other change on my
    system, since I rarely used it before updating.
    So until intellisense works in VS 2017, I'll continue to use my
    old copy for development, which limits me to .NET 4.0.
    If you have time to help me troubleshoot this I'd be up for the help.

    Re why invent a new language:
    That is a great question.
    A big part of it is that I feel domain specific languages (DSLs)
    can have a huge benefit on the experience of the person writing in
    As a simpler example, consider the object file format used in TB
    We generally write one flag per line, with the flag name first,
    followed by a space, and then the value.
    The archer file in the getting started maps contains lines like
    the following:
    description A ranged combatant skilled with a long bow.
    add_skills attack,defend,move
    team 1
    attack_health_inflict 4
    attack_range 3
    sound archer
    Note that the new engine gets rid of the |flags line and the file
    type and version lines that usually make up the first 3 lines of
    the file.
    It also gets rid of the distinction between C# flags and script flags.
    So the above is an accurate representation of the entire archer
    file in the new engine.

    Compare this to XML, which is considered to be a well established
    choice for specifying this kind of data, and it might look like this:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    description="A ranged combatant skilled with a long bow."
    Note all the extra quotes that are needed, the equals signs, and
    consider that if someone uses quotes in their description string,
    they would have to use the backslash character to escape them.
    The XML attribute names are case sensitive, it requires the
    correct opening and closing less sign, and slash greater than signs.
    Unit had better be the only node I define in this file, otherwise
    I need to wrap the multiple nodes in a single root node.
    We had to have the XML version definition at the front, just because.
    I can't even take advantage of an XML schema document because the
    attack_health_inflict flag is only allowed because there is a
    separate skill file named attack.
    I could generate the XML schema document at runtime, but I'm not
    sure how that would be any better than just validating the data
    format myself at runtime.
    JSON is another choice, but it still has a similar amount of curly
    braces, required quotes, colons, backslash escape characters, and
    case sensitivity.
    Using existing libraries to parse XML and JSON are likely to give
    less informative error messages than I can give, since they tend
    to throw exceptions that they expect trained programmers to read.
    These are just things I can quickly think of, but the point is
    that a DSL / data format designed to work well for the task at
    hand tends to make the builder's life better.

    You have personally seen the menu format I was using for AHC,
    which I also believe makes writing menus cleaner.
    And there is a DSL I built for writing linear JRPG style dialogue.
    I can't remember if you've seen that or not, but it is an even
    better example of how using a DSL that fits the task at hand can
    really reduce the amount of extraneous syntax required for the
    common cases.

    Some of the actual ways the new programming language can make
    coders/builders lives better are:
    * By not allowing nested function definitions (or using a
    different keyword for them), and using keywords for
    if/then/else/end instead of curly braces, we can tell a
    builder/coder about a missing end or right curly brace very close
    to the line it is actually missing on.
    This is much better than reporting a missing curly brace at the
    end of a thousand line file as typescript/javascript might (that
    actually happened a few times in AHC with code Joseph had written,
    that I had to comb through to find the missing right curly).

    * I believe the shift to favoring keywords over special characters
    in many cases makes the language much easier to read with a screen
    I recognize that experience programmers who are already used to C
    style function definitions will find this a bit odd, but I don't
    think it will take long to get used to, and I feel it provides a
    better experience for blind gamers learning to code for the first
    You can see some of the actual syntax in my previous email.
    This favoring of keywords also shows up in the L I N Q like
    expression syntax the new language will support.
    And in the if/then/else/end keywords, though that is already
    common in languages like lua.

    * Building a new language means I can leave a lot of advanced
    concepts out.
    This means that new coders can learn the language quickly, and
    since the platform is focused around people being able to take
    existing programs or themes and extend them, having a simple
    language makes it easier to learn someone elses code.

    Another part of the reason for making a new language is about
    I plan to have a built in IDE that provides auto complete, go to
    definition, and find all references features.
    I can ensure that these features work well with screen readers,
    and don't get broken when, for example, a new update for VS 2017
    comes out.
    Since I am parsing and type checking the language myself, I can
    also provide stronger integration with the object data files
    (unit/skill/effect/item, etc.)
    For instance, you could press F12 while on the archer enum in the
    programming language, and be taken to the archer data file that
    contains all the flags that make up that object.
    Or you could right click on a SoundName enum and choose to have
    that sound played.
    Similarly, you might be testing the FPS you were building, kill
    another player, hear the death sound and realize that it is
    playing the wrong sound.
    Then you could perhaps press F12 while in the game, and be
    presented with a list of recently played sound events.
    Then you could press a key on that sound event to be taken either
    to the actual sound object file that was played, or to the line of
    code that played it.

    I also want to eventually have a live updating feature for
    speeding up the iteration cycle of making changes and testing them.
    For instance, consider you've written a chess game, now you are
    testing it on your local machine.
    You make several moves for each player, then as you go to move
    your rook, you realize the move validation logic for the rook is
    incorrect and not allowing you to place it at a valid destination.
    So you switch over to the code, find the mistake, fix it, save,
    and press a hot key to live update the currently running game.
    Now you alt tab back to the game and quickly test that your update
    worked as expected.
    I believe that using a custom programming language will make this
    live updating feature smoother to implement, being able to clear
    out old functions while retaining the existing in memory object graph.

    Another part of the reason for building a new programming
    language, that is related to the integration point, is that I can
    perform static analysis on the code.
    I'm using a multiplayer model that sends inputs from clients to
    the server, and uses state replication to sync object graph
    changes on the server down to clients.
    Being able to statically analyze the code means that I can
    automatically determine what parts of the object graph actually
    get used by clients, and what parts I can avoid sending to save
    packets and bandwidth.
    Similarly I can determine which inputs are informational and
    handled on the client side only, and thus avoid sending them
    across the network as well.
    Reducing the number of unnecessary packets being sent across the
    network is a big performance gain for real time network games, and
    yet I still get to keep the simple state replication model so
    building network games is easy for coders.

    Another factor is that using an existing language does not get rid
    of all the headaches, though I agree it is a much shorter path to
    getting things up and running initially.
    For instance, even in the current AHC engine there are subtle
    issues you can hit with javascript created lists versus C# created
    The runtime errors contain javascript line numbers rather than
    typescript line numbers. (There is a way to map them back to the
    typescript line numbers, but I never figured it out.)
    The last time I worked on getting javascript hosted in C# cross
    platform I had to switch from the noesis Windows only library to
    V8.NET <http://V8.NET>.
    Unfortunately V8.NET <http://V8.NET> required me to write a lot of
    extra code to get it integrated, and it turned out to have a bad
    memory leak I never solved.
    Having the game logic code run cross platform is not just about
    getting it to work on Mac; it is also a requirement for getting it
    to run on my linux servers.
    Writing more things in C# and reducing the dependencies on
    external tools and libraries tends to make it easier for me to
    port to other platforms in general, and the parser/type
    checker/interpreter/compiler for the new language is all being
    written in C#.

    Another reason to build a new language is that I want every game
    built in the engine to have the option of being translated to all
    the Google Translate languages, which I would pay for.
    The default string concatenation in most programming languages
    results in a combinatorial explosion of possible strings, meaning
    it would get financially expensive quickly.
    I think you've seen how we avoid that by using a String.Format
    style in TB and the engine used for AHC.
    In a new language I can require that to be the only way to combine
    strings, which if you are only using the language for game logic
    actually isn't so bothersome as you might expect.
    It turns out that in game logic, strings are mostly used for
    either comparisons like is this unit the same type as that unit
    (better handled with a fancy kind of enums I am building), or they
    are used as text output to players (better to be combined in a
    translation friendly way).
    I think ensuring all the games can be played in any language will
    be a big benefit to non English speaking gamers around the world.
    Side note: there are some games where translation wouldn't be
    meaningful, like hangman, crossword, vocabulary, spelling, and
    other word games, but they are not the initial focus of this platform.

    I hope that does a decent job outlining why I think building a new
    language provides some very real benefits, especially in the long
    All that said, I totally get why you would question the choice to
    build a new language.
    A few years ago I would have thought it pretty silly to create a
    new language when there are already so many that exist, especially
    since the learning curve for building languages is steep, and the
    time and effort involved is high.

    I totally appreciate the empathy, and it has been a lot of work to
    get the language working to its current state.
    There is still a fair bit more to do on it, but I am already using
    it to detect changes in input and adjust player velocity (in a
    real time game prototype).
    The project in general is huge, and building the new language has
    been a large part of the work, but I feel the final product will
    be worth the effort.

    On 4/11/2018 3:58 PM, Craig Brett (Redacted sender craigbrett17
    for DMARC) wrote:

        Would it be worth implementing it in .NET Core? That way, it
        isn't an impossibility to port it. I'm not sure how you go
        about making non-web GUI apps in .NET Core yet... I've not
        really looked into it. I believe Xamrin Forms might serve your
        purpose there, and as a lot of your old UI code is hand drawn,
        as it were, I can't imagine it being impossible to do in
        Xamrin. Maybe I'm biased, I just like .NET Core.

        Something that probably needs asking, as I'm looking at this
        as a potential builder, is why? Why invent your own
        programming language, when there's lots already out there? I'm
        not saying there aren't perks, but it does add a layer of
        complexity for yourself. As an academic exercise, it sounds
        fascinating, and I can imagine you're having a lot of fun with
        ANTLR or whichever tool you're using, deciding how you want
        things to work. I just worry you're fashioning a rod for your
        own back. That being said, I wouldn't object to it, it's more
        empathy that makes me ask :)

        I am looking forward to this! I've not fully given up on TB or
        anything, I just keep needing more motivation and time and
        such than I have available. But a fresh start is something
        that wouldn't go amiss. And a gaming engine that isn't BGT
        would always be handy.

        On 21/03/2018 15:39, Ian Reed wrote:

            Some day it may become cross platform, but in the early
            days it will be Windows only.
            This is because there is just too much to do, and so I
            have to prioritize features.
            Plus I expect people will be able to run it on Mac using
            wine, as they have done with AHC.

            On 3/21/2018 9:33 AM, Joshua Tubbs wrote:

                This engine should be cross platform, would be great
                to build games on Mac and other platforms not served
                by the audio games community, not just Windows all the

                    On Mar 21, 2018, at 11:24 AM, Ian Reed
                    <mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                    I've used a fair number of technical programming
                    language terms in the below description, and
                    assumed familiarity with other programming languages.
                    For the non programmers, don't let that scare you off.
                    When the project is released, I hope to create
                    some newbie friendly documentation that teaches
                    people the basics of coding and the related
                    Plus people can always have a good time as
                    builders, and slowly familiarize with snippets of
                    code at their own pace.

                    The programming language is a statically typed,
                    imperative language.
                    It focuses on being simple and readable, so that
                    new comers to the language can pick it up quickly
                    if they have experience in any other language.
                    This is also a benefit since the platform is
                    focused on people being able to take one game's
                    code and extend it, so keeping the language simple
                    means it is easier to read other people's code.
                    It also favors keywords a bit more than symbols in
                    order to read better when using a screen reader.
                    For example, its if/else expressions are closest
                    to lua's, something like this:
                    if someCondition then callFunc1()
                    elseIf someOtherCondition then callFunc2()
                    elseThen callFunc3() end
                    Having if/else blocks be expressions instead of
                    statements also makes snippets of code found in
                    menu or story files more concise, specifically
                    when they need to result in a value.
                    It uses the and, or, and not keywords like python
                    and lua, instead of C/C++'s &&, ||, and ! operators.
                    It is not whitespace / indentation sensitive like
                    Python is.
                    It doesn't use semicolons.
                    It uses references, not pointers, and is garbage
                    There are no bit manipulation operators.

                    Defining a function looks something like this:
                    func add, takes a as int, b as int, returns int {
                         return a + b
                    It borrows the as keyword for specifying a
                    variable's type from Visual Basic.
                    It uses type inference in most cases to let the
                    coder elide the type.
                    It is procedural, focusing on functions and data
                    types. It is not object oriented.
                    Free standing functions can be called using method
                    call syntax on the type of their first parameter.
                    For instance the above function can be called in
                    the following ways:
                    var num = 5
                    var num2 = add(num, 2)
                    var num3 = num.add(2)
                    This is similar to how extension methods work in
                    C#, except that all functions implicitly extend
                    their first parameter type, rather than needing an
                    explicit this keyword.
                    There are many cases where chaining function calls
                    with the method syntax is more readable than
                    nesting function calls.

                    It will also have a query expression syntax,
                    similar to the L I N Q syntax used in C#.
                    This is to take common idioms for filtering,
                    ordering, transforming and querying on lists and
                    turn them into a syntax that is easier to read and
                    For example, imagine you have a list of units in a
                    variable called units.
                    This query would get the names of all the units
                    with at least 50 health, ordered alphabetically.
                    var results = from u in units where u.health > 50
                    orderBy u.name <http://u.name> select u.name
                    // then you might print them out like so:
                    foreach var name in results {
                    Note the where keyword filters, the orderBy
                    orders, and the select keyword transforms, just as
                    in SQL or C#'s L I N Q syntax.
                    We also elide the parentheses around the condition
                    in the above foreach loop, and if/else conditions.

                    As I designed it, I've referenced C#, Rust, Swift,
                    Lua, Python, Ruby, and Javascript/Typescript to
                    get ideas for which features I felt would work best.
                    It is a language built for writing high level game
                    logic, not low level sound file streaming or other
                    such tasks.
                    Those low level tasks will be handled by the game
                    engine, which provides a high level API to coders,
                    and strong integration with the builder tools.

                    On 3/20/2018 2:24 PM, Joshua Tubbs wrote:

                        What will the programing language be like? I’m
                        not a fan of C++ syntax, or C#, which I’m
                        pretty. Sure AHC is in.

                            On Mar 20, 2018, at 4:19 PM, Ian Reed
                            <mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                            Oh, another reason releasing the AHC
                            engine would be problematic is that I'd
                            have to tear out the translation logic.
                            It is easy to accidentally use
                            incorrectly,, causing tons of unnecessary
                            translations, so I would have to trust
                            each person using the AHC engine to get it
                            Plus I'd be paying for all the
                            translations done in their games.

                            The new platform I'm working on takes this
                            into account and makes it much harder for
                            coders to accidentally misuse the
                            translation feature.
                            This means that the new platform will
                            support translation of all games into the
                            100+ languages that Google Translate supports.

                            On 3/20/2018 1:48 PM, Ian Reed wrote:

                                I won't be releasing the AHC game
                                engine. A few reasons off the top of
                                my head are:
                                * I would have to write a ton of
                                documentation for it.
                                * I would need to remove anything DRM
                                related, since viewing that code would
                                help people reverse engineer AHC.
                                * The sound system is FMOD using sound
                                banks. I'm not sure how accessible
                                sound banks are for blind users.
                                * FMOD's license would not allow me to
                                release it as part of a standalone
                                game engine anyway.
                                * If I released it, I would spend a
                                lot more time maintaining it, which is
                                less time for extending and
                                maintaining the new engine/platform.

                                Overall, I've learned a lot from
                                building that engine, but I want to
                                take what I've learned and implement a
                                new engine that isn't held back by
                                needing to remain backwards compatible
                                with AHC scripts.
                                I intend on bringing all the best
                                features from the AHC engine into the
                                new project, which would make the AHC
                                engine obsolete anyway.
                                The new engine will eventually support
                                real time games as well, but I'm going
                                to focus on turn based games first,
                                since support for real time games is a
                                bit trickier to get right.
                                Far down the road, the new
                                engine/platform will have enough
                                features that you could write an AHC
                                like game in it.
                                But it will also benefit from better
                                performance, better tools, multiplayer
                                capabilities, and my long term support.

                                On 3/20/2018 1:50 AM, Zak Claassen wrote:

                                    Hey Ian, this sounds very cool. I
                                    did some scripts for tb, but like
                                    you said you're limited in what
                                    you can do, plus there are some bugs
                                    that cause some scripts to not
                                    work like they should, so really
                                    looking forward to this new
                                    engine. Would you ever consider
                                    the AHC game engine in a similar
                                    form so that people can use it to
                                    create such games?

                                    On 3/20/18, Ian Reed

                                        I am writing the new engine
                                        from the ground up.
                                        I've learned a lot since I
                                        originally wrote TB, and more
                                        as I worked on
                                        the engine for AHC, plus the
                                        multiplayer features require
                                        some major
                                        architectural changes.
                                        I hope and expect the new
                                        engine will have better
                                        performance than my
                                        previous attempts.
                                        I'm far from perfect though,
                                        so we'll have to deal with
                                        issues as we
                                        encounter them.

                                        On 3/19/2018 5:41 PM, Shaun
                                        Everiss wrote:

                                            The issue with tactical
                                            battle I found was that if
                                            you had a game say
                                            startrek elete and you had
                                            well several hundred units
                                            same with
                                            rampage, every action dead
                                            destroyed, new generated
                                            etc, would add to
                                            a memmory buffer.

                                            If that and when that
                                            buffer got full the system
                                            simply ran out of
                                            memmory to actually do
                                            anything and crashed,
                                            rampage hit this thing
                                            really fast.

                                            I am not sure what you
                                            guys did with ahc but as I
                                            understand you
                                            helped with that, now an
                                            engine based on that would
                                            rock, it certainly
                                            never had an issue with a
                                            multiple unit thing and if
                                            tactical battle
                                            maps could work with that
                                            system that would rock a lot.

                                            On 20/03/2018 12:31 p.m.,
                                            Ian Reed wrote:

                                                Yes, it takes
                                                scripting much further
                                                than TB did.
                                                The new system has 2
                                                roles, builders and
                                                Builders work with
                                                roughly the same set
                                                of tools that map pack
                                                creators used in TB,
                                                plus some easy to use
                                                file formats for creating
                                                menus and JRPG style
                                                story dialogs.
                                                Coders use a
                                                programming language
                                                to define the game
                                                rules and player
                                                Coders have a lot more
                                                power than scripters
                                                did in TB because they
                                                get to define all the
                                                game rules, rather
                                                than only getting to
                                                script at a few key
                                                points within the TB
                                                rule set.
                                                TB is like a very
                                                moddable game.
                                                The new system is more
                                                like a game engine
                                                that lets people build
                                                their own games in a
                                                high level programming
                                                Then it hooks those
                                                games up to the
                                                builder tools so they
                                                can easily
                                                be modded.

                                                I'll be making some
                                                sample games for the
                                                first release, so
                                                people can
                                                modify them instead of
                                                starting from scratch.
                                                There is a lot to do,
                                                so it is still quite a
                                                ways off, but I am
                                                excited for it.

                                                On 3/19/2018 1:58 PM,
                                                Monkey wrote:

                                                    I'm excited to see
                                                    what this will
                                                    look like, I've
                                                    really enjoyed
                                                    making stuff for TB.
                                                    Will be able to
                                                    script for this
                                                    new engine as well?

                                                    On 3/19/18, Ian

                                                        I've restarted
                                                        the TBServer
                                                        so you can
                                                        multiplayer again.
                                                        Craig Brett
                                                        deserves the
                                                        credit for
                                                        capabilities to
                                                        Tactical Battle.

                                                        I no longer
                                                        maintain TB,
                                                        but I am
                                                        working on a
                                                        new moddable
                                                        gaming platform.
                                                        I expect it to
                                                        support a wide
                                                        variety of
                                                        turn based
                                                        games, like card
                                                        games, classic
                                                        board games, etc.
                                                        I will even
                                                        remake some of
                                                        Battle in it
                                                        as a sample
                                                        game that
                                                        can be
                                                        extended and
                                                        modded by others.
                                                        It will be
                                                        much more
                                                        moddable than
                                                        TB, so would
                                                        better support
                                                        ideas for
                                                        playing table
                                                        top games,
                                                        once it is
                                                        The map editor
                                                        and file
                                                        format for
                                                        units, skills,
                                                        terrain, etc,
                                                        will remain
                                                        roughly the
                                                        same, so
                                                        learning to make
                                                        map packs in
                                                        TB would be a
                                                        relevant skill
                                                        for the new
                                                        I think anyone
                                                        who has
                                                        enjoyed being
                                                        a map pack
                                                        creator for
                                                        Battle will
                                                        really enjoy
                                                        the new system.

                                                        On 3/18/2018
                                                        8:50 PM,

                                                            Hi all,

                                                            I was very
                                                            excited to
                                                            see that
                                                            version 3
                                                            of TB is
                                                            When I
                                                            tried to
                                                            log on,
                                                            the server
                                                            was down.

                                                            Is this
                                                            still in
                                                            Is it
                                                            for me to
                                                            run my
                                                            own server?

                                                            I would
                                                            love to
                                                            of using
                                                            this setup
                                                            to play

                                                            Thanks for
                                                            any help
                                                            you can



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