Re: [i3] dzen2 on top of fullscreen windows

  • From: Nikhilesh Sigatapu <s.nikhilesh@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Discussions/Questions about the i3 window manager <i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 17:16:34 -0500

On 11/21/2011 04:01 PM, Michael Stapelberg wrote:

Hi Nikhilesh,

Excerpts from Nikhilesh Sigatapu's message of 2011-11-18 21:29:33 +0000:
exec conky-cli -c ~/.i3/dzonky | dzen2 -x $dzen_left -w $dzen_width -y
$dzen_top -h $dzen_height -ta r -fn "$font" -bg "$bbg" -fg "$bntext"
But when I run (for example) mplayer in fullscreen mode, or fullscreen a
window with i3's fullscreen command, dzen2 appears on top of the window.
This is because i3 only cares about the windows it actually manages. When you
start dzen2 without -dock it is not managed by a window manager (due to setting
override_redirect=1). Fullscreen windows are only set fullscreen in relation to
other managed windows, that’s why.

If I start dzen2 with -dock, i3 puts it in a weird position (unless there's a way to specify dock positions in i3... ).

I once patched old i3 to get docks where I wanted them:

Is there a way to ensure dzen2 is behind fullscreen windows?
Not right now. I’ll see if I can change the code so that fullscreen windows are
also raised above *all* X11 windows, not only managed windows.

I guess that would make sense in most cases, yeah? I mean fullscreen means 'I only want to see this window', at least to me.

Nikhilesh S

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