[i3] dzen2 on top of fullscreen windows

  • From: Nikhilesh Sigatapu <s.nikhilesh@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: i3-discuss <i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:29:33 -0500


For my bottom bar I use i3bar for the workspace list and 'conky-cli' (a build of conky that outputs text to stdout) piped to dzen2 for some info.

I use the following line (it's a single line but wrapped in this email) to call dzen2 in my config. The relevant variables have been defined before.

exec conky-cli -c ~/.i3/dzonky | dzen2 -x $dzen_left -w $dzen_width -y $dzen_top -h $dzen_height -ta r -fn "$font" -bg "$bbg" -fg "$bntext"

It looks like the picture http://i.imgur.com/Kxl2j.png

But when I run (for example) mplayer in fullscreen mode, or fullscreen a window with i3's fullscreen command, dzen2 appears on top of the window. Is there a way to ensure dzen2 is behind fullscreen windows?


Nikhilesh S

Other related posts:

  • » [i3] dzen2 on top of fullscreen windows - Nikhilesh Sigatapu