Re: [i3] Arrange workspaces in two rows

  • From: Vesso <v.somlev@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Discussions/Questions about the i3 window manager" <i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2012 15:14:35 +0100

Hi Christian,

Here is a solution I image might work. I used the same idea on Fluxbox
to have otherwise unsupported multiple rows of workspaces.

As far as I know, you can put multiple commands for one keybinding by
separating them with commas:
bindsym <keys> <command1>, <command2>, <command3>, etc
I only tried with 2 commands, not sure if it works with more than two.
Hopefully it does, since this hypothetical feature is the center of
the solution.

How does this help, you ask? Let's say you have 8 workspaces you want
organized in 2 rows with 4 workspaces each. Check out these bindings:
bindsym Control+Mod1+up workspace prev, workspace prev, workspace
prev, workspace prev
bindsym Control+Mod1+down workspace next, workspace next, workspace
next, workspace next
(Actually it doesn't matter which line is with prev's and which with next's)
If you are on workspace 3 (3rd on row 1), pressing either of those key
combos will move you to the workspace "below", which the 7th one (3rd
on row 2), since 3+4=3-4=7. (We are dealing with modulo 8 because of 8
You can apply this for 2 rows with 2 or 3 workspaces each, by
adjusting the number of prev/next commands. Remember we are dealing
with mod N arithmetic, where N is the total number of workspaces.

Unfortunately, they will still appear linearly in the statusbar, though. :|

Hope this helps!


On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Christian Kruse <cjk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


On Wednesday 07 November 2012 10:21:14 Marcos Moyano wrote:

You can do something like:

bindsym Control+Mod1+Right workspace next

bindsym Control+Mod1+Left workspace prev

to iterate over your workspaces (this cycles: ie: from 1 to n with

Ctrl+Mod1+Left). I'm not sure about the two rows thing.

I know that one, thanks. But I have to type 10 times Ctrl-Mod-Right in the
worst case. With two rows it would only be 3 keystrokes in the worst case.



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