[hipl-users] Re: Image on Andorid platform

  • From: Miika Komu <mkomu@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hipl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:23:11 +0300

On 03/31/2010 08:57 AM, Frances Gao wrote:


I am a fresh user of hip.I try to test hip connection with Android
emulator,and ask for your help.
I downloaded the Android image from
My host OS is Unbuntu 9.10. I tried to run the Android emulator . Follow
the steps of the Manual "HIPL on Android",seems the emulator runs ok.
Then test HIP connection ,connect to test server failed.
Here is my steps:
1. $ cd android-sdk
     $ tools/emulator -data platforms/android-1.5/images/userdata.img &
2. $ tools/adb shell # Log into emulator shell
     # hipd -k 2>/dev/null &
     # hipfw -klpF 2>/dev/null &
     # hipconf add map 2001:1b:a9be:c6a6:34e5:8361:c07f:a990
3.  # wget http://[2001:001b:a9be:c6a6:34e5:8361:c07f:a990] -O-
The hip daemon runs,but can not connect to the test server with HIP.

what does "hipconf get ha all" say? There's also some more bug reporting instructions here:


I should warning you that the Android code has been removed from the trunk until I (or someone else) has time to write it properly.

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