[hashcash] 11-Oct-2004 0.4.9 release

  • From: "Eric S. Johansson" <esj@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hashcash@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, camram@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 23:07:15 -0400

shoved another release up to source forge. 0.9.4 is the next jump in the evolution of camram. Now uses for its major external components:


The postfix interface is working extremely well and we now see at least a five times throughput improvement. Of course, every time CRM 114 loses its Markovian mind, performance does tend to lag a little bit.

Additionally, there are also web pages to enable you to edit the keyword and friend whitelist. The full set of Web based interfaces include:

spamtrap sorting
dumpster recovery
user preferences (context dependent perspectives for preferences)
keyword whitelist
friend whitelist

help wanted:

job 1:

I've worked out a good way to use camram in the ISP context. Instead of acting as a filter for all users, filter and stamp only for users that pay for the service. This means using a pop 3 proxy with filtering capability. The good news is that there is one available. The bad news is that it needs some modification.

The first generation modification is relatively simple and is simply intercepting the login in using it to determine where to connect for the rest of the pop 3 transaction. The second generation modification is embedding python directly into the filter instead of forking filter code on every message. Obviously, a tougher proposition.

knowledge required: C and sockets.

job 2:

e-mail clients really aren't suited for anti-spam filters. One thing they're missing is the ability to feedback to filter the presence of false positive/false negative messages. Thunderbird is probably the easiest e-mail client to add this feedback mechanism. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do it and the documentation is "use the source Luke" on the other hand, if somebody turns up with outlook knowledge, I would not turn them away. Even if they worked for you know who.

By the way, this project would also serve the needs of other anti-spam filters so this would be a good all-around help the community type effort.

Knowledge required: depends on the MUA

so, if you can help on either project, you know were I live.


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  • » [hashcash] 11-Oct-2004 0.4.9 release