[openbeos] Re: Status of the Kits

  • From: Ingo Weinhold <bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, interfacekit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 15:10:14 +0200 (MEST)

On Tue, 22 Apr 2003 burton666@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I crossed posted this mail to the IK team list. I think, that's were it

> >On 2003-04-07 at 19:54:11 [-0700], Mark A Johnson wrote:
> >> Just wondering what the "true" status of the kits is.  Seeing as how
> >> the
> First of all:
> Hi all. I have been very busy lately (bought a new house (without a phone 
> connection, so no internet at home), my job contract expired, they made a new 
> one, but had to stay home for 20 days, so no internet at work :=), my main pc 
> fried, so no BeOS at home :((( ), so that today, when I checked my mailboxes 
> after 20 days of "inactovity", I found about 800 messages :=), so sorry for 
> the late answer.
> Since I am one of the few (the obly ?) "survived" support kit members, I
> can give a report of the situation of this kit.
> - BString is fully tested, and it works fine. What it's missing is a
> code review from other people, and someone (me? :-) ) which finishes the
> Doxygen documentation.

I don't know what's the IK team's reviewing policy. The SK team does (at
least that's how it is planned ;-) reviews after finishing each major
development phase (therefore we try to postpone the migration to beta as
long as possible ;-).

Regarding the doxygen stuff. Well, you worked on it, so you are probably
best suited for the job. :-)

> - BDataIO (and related classes) are finished and tested, though I would like 
> to see some real-world testing before considering them shipping quality.
> - BArchivable was done by our Erik, and it should be more or less finished 
> (Erik?)
> - BBlockCache should be fully working.
> - BBufferIO (undocumented) is in a bad state. I made many tests, and it 
> seemed to work at first, but then I found that the Be's implementation seems 
> to do strange things (even differentiates its behaviour if a BFile is given), 
> so it needs work.
> - BList is fully working and fully tested (I took Ingo's implementation and 
> merged it with Isaac's one),altough tests have not been committed to the CVS.
> - BStopWatch, BLocker and BAutolock should be ok.
> - BMessageRunner , AFAIK, is not done, but it needs the help of the
> Registrar, so, IMHO, it should be Ingo's work (as he doesn't have
> anything to do :=)))))

Phew, I had to check that for myself, but fortunately the class still has
an implementation and a complete set of unit tests. ;-)

All what remains to be done regarding the registrar can't be done before
we can embed it into a running OBOS system (which requires a mostly
finished libbe and app server running on top of our kernel).

CU, Ingo

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