[openbeos] Re: Problems building today?

  • From: Marcus Overhagen <marcusoverhagen@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 13:35:19 +0100 (CET)

Ingo Weinhold wrote on 19.02.2007 00:42:

> On 2007-02-19 at 00:26:51 [+0100], Jérôme Duval <korli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> wrote:

> > There is a line "parse error at EOF" at the beginning of the log. It
> > generally means you have something weird happening locally (ie
> conflicts).
The problem should be gone now. If you still get the error,
you can run jam with a very high debug level, pipe the output
to a textfile, and search for this error in the file. Then delete
the affected Jamfile and update it from svb.

> That's just the empty build/jam/HaikuPXE file. Jam doesn't like empty files
> for some reason; that doesn't cause any problems, though.
> That leads me to a question for Marcus: Do we need this file for some 
> reason?

Initally it had some content, but I never committed that as it wasn't useful.
I've removed the file yesterday.


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