[openbeos] Re: Haiku Vmware Build Environment

  • From: Andreas Färber <andreas.faerber@xxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 00:56:33 +0200

Am 15.04.2008 um 23:45 schrieb Ryan Leavengood:
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Andreas Färber <andreas.faerber@xxxxxx > wrote:

What's your point of this mailing list post? Remember, it's being sent to
lots of people.

So is your email, which I find kind of rude and I expect Karl will too.

You were informed that you are in violation of the guidelines and that you
need to make changes to comply with them if you want to continue to
distribute your Haiku images.

It's your responsability to comply with such licensing terms.

You could be happy if someone wants to help you simplify the changes you'd
need to make, but in no way can you take that as an argument for
deliberately violating the rules now that you know!

Karl is trying to do the right thing, but he is getting conflicting
views from we Haiku developers. Unfortunately we are individual people
and do not always agree on everything.

I find it a bit disappointing that people are being so harsh about
this since Karl is just trying to facilitate people more easily
developing on Haiku. It is not like he is burning CDs and handing them
out or trying to sell them. Also I expect the people that visit
Haikuware.com are not much different than those visiting haiku-os.org,
so it is not like many people will download the image without knowing
what it is.

But this is just my opinion.

My opinion is that this discussion which has been going on the last weeks is really tiring. For someone quite new to Haiku like me, it gives the impression that a War of the Websites has broken out, and that is certainly not good publicity for Haiku.

The distro guidelines apply to everyone, so there's little point in arguing about their applicability. Those are not individual views, and nothing really contradicting regarding their applicability has lately been stated by the developers.

On the other hand, arguing about how to technically comply with the guidelines on this list is totally fine, no doubt.

Again in my opinion, it seems strange that someone saying he is not a developer tries to provide developers with a development download. As a developer desperately trying to get started with development on Haiku, I compare said 125 MB to the few KB or MB an incremental svn up takes in practice and consider that they're in VMware format only. But the real contradicting views here seem to be on whether or not to distribute a development image at this stage at all. In short that's the whole Alpha discussion. The Haiku developers have decided against that for now. As I understand it, the "Development" Optional Package is a large step towards that goal, and rather than just settling for and spreading this work-in-progress, some help with reviewing and improving that software would be good, to have the official Alpha finished sooner. For example, it recently turned out that the Perl port is not complete yet. And there is no Subversion optional package yet, which is even directly necessary for self-hosting Haiku. It's not that there's nothing left to do.

I don't intend to be rude with this or the other post, just results- oriented. And I assume we all want Haiku to evolve nice and quickly, whatever views we might have on "the right thing" to do. Karl knows btw that I like his site in general.


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