[openbeos] Re: Cosmoe is back

  • From: "Ari Haviv" <arielbhaviv@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 17:22:18 -0500

It's not even the point if cosmoe is 'useless' or not. We should
expect and encourage these experiments because ultimately the platform
is enriched when anyone can turn to haiku as a source for new ideas.
They'll keep coming back for more.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried the same thing with a bsd
kernel or maybe take the haiku kernel and stick X11 and kde or
something totally different and wacky.

Nevertheless, an OS is more than just code and if you don't have the
Haikummunity behind it, you don't have what Haiku is trying to become,
which is a standard stable desktop platform that users and developers
can rely on.

On 2/7/07, Pier Luigi Fiorini <pierluigi.fiorini@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2007/2/7, Niklas Nisbeth <noisetonepause@xxxxxxxxx>:
> How Tux specific is this? Is it something that could be .tgz'd and used on 
> Interesting project over all, I must say... although it will of course
> ultimately be useless, once Haiku reaches R1 and Linux dies the
> horrible, painful death it deserves :)
If you don't like Linux don't use it and shut up, please.
Haiku will face driver lack problems for ever, but Cosmoe has got the
BeOS API, faster GUI than any traditional X11 desktop and a kernel
that is improved every day with good hardware support.

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