[haiku-doc] Wiki permissions have been granted to language managers.

  • From: Matt Madia <mattmadia@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-doc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 17:53:26 +0000

Greetings all,

following up from :

Here's the list of people with "translators" permission,  (WIKI_CREATE

Let me know when more managers step forward.

http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/i18n has been created. Feel free to change it.

(quoting from URL)
Agree on a path. Let's prevent that pages will scatter all over the
wiki tree. For example, let's have the following structure:
--- de_DE/
--- --- TranslationGuide
--- --- StatusInfo
--- --- ContactInfo
--- nl_NL/
--- --- TranslationGuide
--- --- StatusInfo
--- --- OtherPage
etc. etc. etc.

Note that this will not be 'physically' enforced by Trac.



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