[haiku-development] Re: Radeon HD driver

  • From: Stephan Aßmus <superstippi@xxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:35:54 +0200

On 20.10.2011 03:51, Alexander von Gluck wrote:
So I've done some testing and DVI actually works.

Newer Radeon HD cards have something called a DIG encoder, older Radeon
HD cards have a digital encoder. The DIG encoder (which is a newer
digital encoder) requires some work still before it will function.

With the statements above said... I do have some good news:

Radeon HD 2350 - Radeon HD 3450 - Analog / Digital (minus HDMI) extended
mode setting working
Radeon HD 3470 - Radeon HD 4890 - Unknown. Please test!
Radeon HD 5450+ - Analog mode change works, no video. Digital DIG
encoder not complete

As digital is working on earlier cards and mode setting is pretty
reliable now... I'm tempted to include the driver in the nightly images
and #if 0 the 5450+ cards I know don't work. Quite a few people seem
interested in testing :)

My plan is to slowly adjust the #if 0 as reports of non-functionality
come in to narrow down exactly whats working.

The nightlies are for testing, so the easier it is to test and in turn for you to collect some data, the better. Plus there is a built-in recovery mechanism for video drivers already, if it gives you a black screen, you can chose VESA safe mode in the boot menu. So I'd be for including the driver.

Congratulations on your progress, BTW! Looks like I've bought the wrong video card. I opted for nVIDIA because of 3D Vision, but some games support side by side 3D now, which is actually the better choice for me for latency reasons. When you get HDMI/DVI output working on a high-end board, I may want to switch to the other side now! :-D

Best regards,

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