[gmpi] Re: Topic 8 breakdown (time to focus)

  • From: "Koen Tanghe" <koen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 20:18:37 +0200

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Hockin" <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>

> Here is the summary of issues I see for topic 8 from this past week's
> discussion.  Please add on to this, if I missed anything.

Looks fine to me, but I would make sure I have not twice the same topic
subnumber (for reference purposes later on): now you have two times 8.3 ;-)

> Lastly, I'd like to propose that we call the things to which I think we
> all referring 'controls' instead of 'parameters'.  To my mind, anyway, it
> much easier to imagine most of these 'parameters' as knobs and switches on
> piece of hardware.

Well, sorry Tim, but that would be exactly the reason why I would rather NOT
talk about 'controls' :-)  But if everyone likes "controls" better, I'll go
with flow.

> 'Parameters' is a very abstract word, and is also
> overloaded.  If these things are not behaviorally the same as 'parameters'
> in other plugin systems, let's clarify that.

I agree that 'parameters' might be a word with an overloaded meaning, but I
have no problems with it being an abstract term. To me, the name 'controls'
seem to be specifically associated with some GUI vocabulary (like button
controls, slider controls, etc...), which is not necessarily needed to
'change a parameter' (and while we're at it: this is probably how I would
speak about it: "changing parameters").
But it's not that important to me, so as I already said: I'll go with the
majority here. I'll understand what you mean if you speak about 'controls'


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