[gmpi] Re: Ramps

  • From: Crudesoft <crudesoft@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 02:08:48 -0800 (PST)

At the risk of being silly and all that, but if it is
the host's responsability to smooth events, then why
isn't the requirement more explicit? Why not add
something to req. 25 like "Plugins may expect smoothed
events for their controls." and leave it up to the
plugins to smooth some more if they want to?

I am confused anyway. Smoothed up to what degree? Can
a plugin trust a host to "smooth enough"? What is
"smoothed enough"? Wouldn't a plugin smooth anyway
just to be sure? If so, then this req. doesn't make
anything any simpler and it would probably be better
to simply ditch it. (This has been proposed before,
but I haven't seen an answer.)


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