[gmpi] Re: 3.11 mini-wrap #2

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 12:23:15 -0700

Almost done!!

I've updated the doc with all the comments from this so far.  Please read
it and let me know if I got anythign wrong.  We may want to eventually
merge the next section in with this section and re-order some, but we'll
deal with it later.


one more 3.11 topic

It's looking pretty good. I would suggest:

- Change 'parameter list' to 'parameter set' generally, since list implies (to me at least) linear array, whereas the natural structure may be more treelike.

- Change 'channel' to 'slot', since 'channel' implies (to me at least) identical structure in the different slots, whereas 'slots' makes me think of e.g. card racks where you can fit anything into any hole.

- 'Actors' - I think calling the per-event validation part and the periodic event dependency implementation part both by the same name, 'actor', is confusing. Suggest re-wording more closely borrowed from the write-up I provided. I do think 'actor' is a very vague name unlikely to communicate its function to thiose not on this list.

- In 4.23, it should be clearer that 'plug-in's structure' refers to the channels/slots described in 4.22 & 4.24. As written, it's ambiguous.

- 4.24 as written uses only MIDI as the justification for multi-channel support, whereas on several occasions I've pointed out there are any number of other applications. At minimum, please mention mixers there.

- In 4.25, missing word in last sentence?: "Even more *****, the generic output might be..."

- 4.26 seems like it's a little marketing-heavy, and maybe should be clearer technically.

-- Chris G.

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