[glideplan_swproj] project deadine 7. 6.

  • From: Mária Vámošová <maria.vamosova@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: glideplan_swproj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 11:35:55 +0200


The project deadlines have been announced:

- Čt 24.5.2012 do 8:00 přihlášení mailem na adresu Komise [sign up for
the presentation]
- Čt  7.6.2012 odevzdání projektu paní Novotné na sekretariátu KTIML
[the project has to be handed in]
- Pá 22.6.2012 obhajoby [presentation]

So - panic mode ON!!

Btw I am able to borrow a Mac from a friend - she told me we could
have it at least for the last week before handing in the project [1.6.
- 7.6.] to test everything, plus maybe even earlier (that is a matter
of negotiations :)). Is that enough, or do you think we need it


+ Tomas, would you write the sign-up email to the commitee?

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