[geocentrism] Re: on topic and off topic.

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:03:16 +1000

Oh Paul, I nearly let this pass... a gross error of the global warming 
clientele, ....

"You will look in vain for any post from me gleefully invoking ' ... the 
hottest day in 50 years ...' despite such occurring regularly."  

You may not do so, but that you know of the expression, "has happened 
regularly", sort of shows how the global warming promoters and media do so 
gleefully report it.. You have got the message else you would not have repeated 
it. . Yet you and these media/ political  promotors, failed to see how such 
expressions "the hottest day in 50 years," makes fools of them, and the whole 
concept of global warming..In effect the greatest proof that it is a spoof.   

The highest temperature ever recorded was at Marble Bar in the North west 
Australia about two years ago, which has always held the record..  It was 
announced at the time as the "highest temperature in a century" , when the 
record was set in 1927 or thereabouts, beating this record by about 1 degree..  
and proof of the dangerous global warming by greenhouse gases of course..  

Failng to see of course, as do you, that it had been just as hot nearly 100 
years ago!!!!!!!

Paul you have been completely ignoring NASA reports of the global warming 
occurring on the other plantets , specifically Mars, over the last decade or 
so..  How do you connect that with human greenhouse carbon emmissions? 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paul Deema 
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 6:09 PM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Re: on topic and off topic.

  Haven't heard about snow -- I don't watch much local TV -- usually BBC/CNN 
for news. It's been about 17deg inside -- had the heater on last night for the 
first time in a while.
  Philip, why do you latch onto these 'spikes' and suppose that they are 
relevant to the point of proving your position? They don't. What really matters 
is the smoothed average. Spikes -- positive or negative -- point out maximum 
departures only. You will look in vain for any post from me gleefully invoking 
' ... the hottest day in 50 years ...' despite such occurring regularly.
  'Lester' has me baffled.
  I take it you've been binned again. It didn't happen openly -- unless I 
missed it.
  Are you going to respond to Bernie's ball-on-a-stick illustration? If not, I 
might have a small crack at it.
  Paul D

  From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Saturday, 22 November, 2008 8:38:33 PM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Re: on topic and off topic.

  I take your article on Global Warming under advisement. He makes sense but 
I'll reserve my position -- at least for the moment.

  Paul D

  I believe it is snowing in Victoria today.. Best falls in 5 years in some 
places, so a caller to ABC said .. Is it cold where you are? 


  (Philip is in Coventry)

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Paul Deema 
    To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 1:26 AM
    Subject: [geocentrism] Re: on topic and off topic.

    Philip M

    I wrote something which sounded good but when I looked at Coriolis -- the 
ubiquitous Wiki has quite an article -- I found it to be much more complex than 
I thought. So I guess the best thing is just to suggest that you look there 
also and be as humbled as was I.

    I take your article on Global Warming under advisement. He makes sense but 
I'll reserve my position -- at least for the moment.

    Paul D

    From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: geocentrism list <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Friday, 21 November, 2008 9:44:54 PM
    Subject: [geocentrism] on topic and off topic.

     ON TOPIC..  Maybe Paul has an answer..  I think this question was asked 
before by Bernie..  If the world is racing towards the east, and if I say the 
atmosphere has to be dragged around with it, then it seems logical to expect to 
find this drag either at the same speed, or maybe a bit slower..  dragging 
behind so to speak..  Now this would mean that the atmosphere would be seen to 
slowly move westwards from the east..  

    But this is not the case..  All our weather fronts move from the west 
towards the east at relatively great speed..  Why.. ?

    Now back to off topic.. I shouldn't be wasting my time with the defunct 
Global warming scam, but I am irritated by the continued irrational Media blitz 
and even school education programs perpetuating the lie. So here is another 
piece of evidence from one on the inside.. 


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