[geocentrism] Re: ancient science

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 16:30:21 +1000

You know i should have persevered with the OT... they knew and used radio 

Job 38-35
35 Canst thou send lightnings, and will they go, and will they return and say 
to thee: Here we are?

Oh if only we could hear the original writer..  fickle and uneducated later 
copiers and linguists after a science long lost had no way of saying , "Can you 
send a wire and be sure it will be recieved ,  Can you be sure they will send 
back a reply.."'   

we can never know if it was not a super electrical telepathy transmitter..  
what ever it was,  it would have to be far superior to anything we have today.. 

Aether , aether and more aether...  

\and the ancient Tibetans not only had a spherical earth surrounded by an iron 
heaven, but also knew, amazingly enough, that the earth's diameter was about 
7,000 miles.

In Nachmanides' commentary on the Torah, he quotes from the ancient rabbis: 
"The heavens were in a fluid form on the first day, and on the second day they 
solidified." Another ancient rabbi said: "Let the firmament become like a 
plate, just as you say in Ex. 39:3." Nachmanides himself describes the 
firmament as "an extended substance congealed water separating" the waters from 
the waters. 

none of the ancients, except for possibly the Greek atomists, had any notion of 
empty space. The Hebrew words for "void" and "nothingness" have parallel uses 
in many Old Testament passages and generally refer to a watery chaos (Gen. 1:1; 
Jer. 4:23; Is. 40:17, 23). Therefore we must conclude, as does Marvin H. Pope, 
that Job does not have the Pythagorean notion of the earth suspended in space. 
Oceans, not empty space, surround the Hebrew world.

Although it sounds odd at first, the rabbinic idea that the sky-dome was made 
of congealed water makes eminent sense in terms of creation out of watery 
chaos. This doctrine, and not creatio ex nihilo, is the prima facie implication 
of Genesis 1:1; and the scholarly consensus is that this initial impression is 
indeed correct. Hebrews 11:3--"that which is seen was made out of things which 
do not appear"--has been used for centuries as the main scriptural support for 
creation out of nothing. 

it is true that the Hebrews had a rough understanding of the circulation of 
water vapor and the source of rain in the clouds (Job 36:27, 28), they also 
conceived of mechanisms in heav-en whereby God could directly induce great 
atmospheric catastrophes. Obviously the clouds themselves could not have held 
enough water for the Great Flood, so "all the foundations of the great deep 
burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened" (Gen. 7:ll; cf. Mal. 
3:l0). This is also further proof that the earth was surrounded by watery 

And thankful we should be for the wisdom of God that He does not provide the 
nitty gritty detail.. such certain to hasten our demise..  Our science is 
already doing well enough in that direction at its own rate..  

What was pre flood science like? We know they did not speak in different 
tongues..Maybe they spoke not at all, but thought waves..  Platos Atlantis, 
what secrets did you have?  We materialists have to hate Noah.  He would have 
forbidden his family to speak of it.. Bet there was one woman there that 
started it all again though.. 

Not claiming authorship....  

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