[geocentrism] Re: Very dangerous times indeed

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 22:34:59 +0100 (BST)

Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, there is evidence, but this has been the whole point of our discussions. 
Will you accept scripture as evidence? Not just in geocentricism or faith in 
Jesus or anything else, that we only know from scripture but can you accept a 
plain statement "this is that"?. Is there any evidence that the moon did not 
turn into blood ( and persumably back) at this time contrary to what Peter 
plainly stated?..... (If it was Peter.) If you don?t accept the scriptural 
evidence and references here why would you accept any other evidence for or 
against the moon being turned into blood in the past when no one was there to 
see except Peter who said, not Allen "this is that which was written".. Further 
if you don?t accept Peters remarks about "this is that" then why would or could 
you ever think that it was going to happen at some time in the future?  Because 
it is a phophecy. It did not happen in the past, but has yet to happen. It has 
yet to be fulfilled. The same as the phophecy of the Isra
 return to the Holy Land, which started in 1948. If this is just my 
interpretation of scripture when I accept it's specific terms , definition's 
and correlation?s to itself then what do you call it when you define or 
correlate scripture to things outside scripture that scripture specifically 
does not mention? I call it interpretation, just like you do, although I seem 
to remember that a short while back you were arguing against any interpretation 
or reasoning. The fact that Flood accounts are present through any ancient 
people you care to find, even those that have been "cut off" for hundreds of 
years, greatly strengthens our case for telling others that a Flood really did 
occur. The fact that "long day," or "long night," or "long sunset" accounts are 
present from around the globe greatly strengthens our case for the 
geostationary cosmology of the Tanakh. 


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