[geocentrism] Re: GWW v1&2

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:38:01 -0700 (PDT)

I Just got my new copies of GWW vol 1&2 today...Great reading and Hope those 
who are serious about this debate would get their hands on a copy as it covers 
alot  of ground work that you will find most uesfull....aether , geo sats, MM 7 
MG experiments saganc and a bunch more.......Order a copy today!.....:-)
  Also, does any one know what Philip Snow sent to Neil Adams?....I had been 
planing an attempt to try to recurite him but i was waiting to get some 
"profesional materials" together first...such as GWW and hopefully GU4.0...If 
we could recurit or spark intrest in this guy( he is a media savy 
advertiser)....just think of the presentaion potinetial we would have.....any 
way someone let me know what philip sent so i can follow up on this...........
Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Yes ...here is who he is.........
  Part 3: how all this relates and is demonstrated on earth
  Suplimental moon data..examples

  Suplimental mars data..examples
Jack Lewis <jack.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
          Dear All,
  I've forwarded this on because the writer (a geocentrist) mentions Neal 
Adams. Does this name have any significance for anyone?
  ----- Original Message -----   From: Philip Snow 
  To: Jack Lewis 
  Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:49 AM
  Subject: Neal Adams!


    Dear JACK - Though you might be innarested in this ee I have just sent to 
Neal Adams - do the Geocentrists generally go for his ideas? - I love 'em! 
  I'm pretty sure they can be applied successfully to Creationism, given we 
have such problems with the timing of the ending of the Flood , anyway!
  Unfortunately, we have only one scripture I know of that MIGHT describe the 
spreading of the oceans - that 'clefting' in Peleg's day, although the psalmist 
did talk of the 'ascending mountains & descending valleys', didn't he....
  Any ideas on this controversial subject? 
  Dear Neal Adams,
  I am delighted with your concepts, which appear to tell earth's story 
correctly - but. Yes, a big but! [no, not me, I'm quite slim, & incidentally 
also an illustrator & writer*]
      Regarding problems with all that water, I noticed that one of your 
correspondents asked - where did it go afterwards?
      Well, me, I believe the Bible - hey hang on, don't delete me! -which not 
only gives us excellent science when we actually read it [unlike most of its 
critics], but also explains where all that H20 came from & where it went 
      Only the Bible first told us that we live on a 'round earth' made out of 
water, 'hanging on nothing', in 'stretched out heavens', where 'the sun 
circuits the heavens', & where incidentally, life only reproduces 'after its 
Kind' - all verified to some degree by actual observable, testable real science.
      And it was only the Bible that told us the earth was formed 'from water, 
& out of water' [Genesis 1 & 2 Peter 3 v 5], & as now known = GRANITE only 
forms in water - period! [None of that hot 'bit knocked off the sun' nonsense].
      And also described a global Flood initiated by 3 things: massive 
underground 'springs of the great deep', opening of the 'windows of heaven' 
[comets?] & torrential rain. And that when the Flooding finished , the first 
two were closed, but the rain  was only 'restrained' - then the waters 
'decreased all over the earth' .
       All this strongly suggests that a lot of water went back both under the 
earth [as recently discovered] or filled the new - spreading?! - ocean basins!
      Yes, most of your inspired conjectures fit the Biblical picture, given a 
few billion yrs or so! But then any form of radiodecay is based on unknowable 
circumstances, & recent research shows how it can speed up one billion times, 
as with almost instantly preserved polonium radiohalos in rapidly cooling 
      One of our best known [evolutionary] geologists, Prof. Derek Ager, wrote 
his best seller - 'The New Catastrophism' about how rapidly, virtually all 
rocks form, & famously reduced the Sutton Stones from '5 million yrs' - down to 
 a 'Tuesday afternoon'! I've seen that mere meter of rapidly laid & obviously 
rapidly hardened limestone mud myself, crammed with broken & tumbled sea bed 
      Like 1980's Mt St Helen's 600' cliffs & rapidly carved canyons, 1963's 
Surtsey almost instantly maturing island, Gt Britain's rapid severance from the 
Continent, end Ice Age, the disappearance of much of the Welsh coast in just 
one day in the 6th c AD [real, historical Arthur's time], & the production of 
Coal, Oil, Diamonds, Opals etc in days in the lab - well, only a evolutionist 
needs TIME!
      DNA, qualitatively unchanged from the beginning in all the so-called 
'Living Fossils' obviously = Creation! And that's just for starters!
      Keep up the good work - which is challenging theoretical  science so 
reductionist & dumb it's unbelievable - but you know that, don't ya! It's time 
to go all the way & really throw off their Cartesian shackles, & 'the truth 
will set you free'! Forget 'Religion', read the Bible....
      All the best
  Philip Snow
'Light & Flight - Hebridean Wildlife & Landscape Sketchbook' . 
'The Design & Origin of Birds'. DayOne Books.

  Philip Snow
'Light & Flight - Hebridean Wildlife & Landscape Sketchbook' . 
'The Design & Origin of Birds'. DayOne Books.

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