[geocentrism] Evolutionism: The Real Opiate of the Masses

  • From: Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 14:24:15 -0700 (PDT)

  The Real Opiate Of The Masses:
              As is well known, Communism?s recognized founder, Karl Marx, 
called Religion ?the opiate of the masses?.  Less well known is what Marx had 
to say about Darwin?s book The Origin of the Species published in 1859, viz.: 
?This is the book which contains the BASIS in natural history for our [his and 
Engles?] view.?1
              In 1861 Marx was still writing of the unexpected good fortune of 
finding so powerful an ally in the natural sciences for his own atheist agenda 
which gradually morphed into the Social Sciences.  To Lassalle, a fellow 
revolutionary, he exulted that God had been given ?the death blow?2 by Darwin, 
and added: ?Darwin?s book is very important and serves me as a BASIS for the 
class struggle in history.?3  (Some 20 years later the oft-quoted Philosopher 
Nietzsche ?confirmed? Marx?s obituary for God with his statement: ?God is dead. 
 We have killed him with our science.?)
              Later still (1867), Marx finished the first volume of his own 
major work (Das Kapital) and tried to dedicate it to Darwin.  The inseparable 
nature of socialism and evolution theory was also recognized by Oswald Spengler 
(The Decline of the West) who stated: ?Socialism and Darwinism are only 
artificially and on the surface separable.?4 (The inseparability of Social 
Darwinist Capitalism and evolutionism is a well known fact also.)
              Darwin?s ?German Bulldog? (Ernst Haeckel) played a vital role in 
connecting Copernicanism to Darwinism as seen in this encyclopedia summary: 
?Ernst Haeckel wedded the idea of classical physics [i.e., Copernicanism] with 
the new Darwinian history of nature to form a comprehensive materialist 
cosmology, or ?anti-theology?.?.5 
              Then Friedrich Engles--Marx?s co-revolutionary and 
financier--further underscored the critical importance of the Copernican 
Connection not only to Darwinism, but to Communism itself when he said: ?One of 
the basic theses of dialectical materialism [communism] is the inseparability 
of movement from matter.? [i.e.,the earth must move and the Bible must be 
wrong. ]6 
              Then came some 200 Michelson-Morley Interferometer tests in 
Europe and the USA in the mid 1880?s. These all showed no earth movement around 
the sun.  Oh my!  There was virtual panic and a collective teeth chattering 
funk that gripped Science Departments world wide for about two decades. The 
word ?unthinkable? got a lot of use.  After all, three and a half centuries of 
Bible-bashing theoretical science based on the Copernican --AND now the 
Darwinian--Revolution was about to go down the toilet!  This was unthinkable 
even in the mid-1880?s and into the 20th century.7
              But (Einstein be praised), in 1905 a savior appeared in a patent 
office in Switzerland. An obscure publication of Big Al?s paper on his 
relativity hypothesis suddenly rescued the unholy duo of Copernicanism and 
Darwinism from global ignominy.  Just like that!  We can?t tell what is moving 
and what isn?t because all motion is relative and because no inertia is 
allowed, remember? 
  Whew!  That was close!  Now, over a century later, we can read in many places 
this historical fact: ?Darwin?s greatest contribution to science is that he 
completed the Copernican Revolution by drawing out for biology the notion of 
nature as a system of matter in motion governed by natural laws....The 
Copernican and Darwinian Revolutions may be seen as the two stages of one 
Scientific Revolution.  They jointly ushered in the beginning of science in the 
modern sense of the word....?8  
  This Two Stage Revolution in the Physical and Biological Sciences infused the 
Social and Behavioral Sciences, Pedagogy, and the Arts with the Evolutionary 
mindset before the 1920?s were over. Beginning with Einstein?s Relativity 
?fantasy?, the secret Kabbalist ?creation scenario? went into overdrive. Gamow, 
Panzis, Sagan, Wickramasinghe et al (with NASA?s vital collusion) literally 
turned the Pharisee?s Big Bang Paradigm and mythical Extraterrestrial 
Evolutionism into "knowledge" conquering ?secular science?.9 
  Hollywood?s ?E.T?, ?Jurassic Puke?, and ten thousand other extraterrestrial 
evolution-indoctrinating flicks, books, and TV programs have done their job.  
People?s brains have been carpet-bombed increasingly with the evolution mantra 
24/7 for 40-50 years.  When the unrelenting computer-generated Virtual Reality 
Fraud from Sagan and Goldin?s control of NASA?S ?Origins Program? is factored 
in, we have a world mesmerized and seduced into believing a deception of 
supernatural proportions and consequences.10 & 11 (The universal consequences 
of Satan?s duping of Eve come to mind....)
  In short: Evolutionism has become the Opiate of the Masses!  This fact is 
doubly poignant because--as we all can now know--?evolutionism? is the very 
heartbeat of a specific religion, namely, Phariseeism.  It is a religious 
?creation? concept, pure and simple. It is not ?secular? science.  It is not 
?science? at all.  It is the ?in the beginning? creation story from the mystic 
Kabbala of the Pharisee Sect of Judaism.
  Fifty pages would not suffice to describe how this evolution deception has 
ravaged people?s minds and crippled or destroyed true science and true 
religion.  A quick read of its influence on Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao et al 
will give just a little insight into how behavior is warped and history shaped 
by belief in evolution.12 The utter absurdity of attributing endless examples 
of intelligent design found everywhere to an explosion of a microscopic ?cosmic 
egg? 15 billion years ago is a lie that must be exposed.  It is a lie that has 
taken the world to Crazy City on a one way ticket! There is no ?science? to 
this lie. It is not "secular" science.  Its roots are in a Christ hating 
religion .13 
  This False Science Idol that has become ?the opiate of the masses? will fall 
to pieces when the Copernican Keystone holding it together is exposed as pure 

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