[geocentrism] An alternative science.

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <TraditionalCatholicsUnited@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "John Kaminski" <skylax@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ABCs of Faith" <abcsofffaith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 16:51:40 +1000

Scientist forced into a U-Turn 
By Jonathan Gray

"We've made an awful mistake!"

Dismay was in Dean's voice. "A student has knocked our theory to bits!" 

Dr Dean Kenyon, Professor of Biology (Emeritus) at San Francisco State 
University, was one of the leading chemical evolution theorists in the world. 

He co-authored "Biochemical Predestination," which claimed: 

1. that the evolution of life was inevitable. 

2. that proteins to produce living cells were formed directly by forces of 
attraction between their parts. 

3. that proteins are just formed together (self-assemble) in chains, directly 
from amino acids, without any DNA assembly instructions.

His theory was accepted with enthusiasm by the evolutionary scientific 
community. But within just five years after publishing, Kenyon suddenly had 
serious doubts.

It began when one of his students asked, "How could the first proteins have 
been assembled without the help of genetic instructions?" (Proteins were the 
necessary information to build the first cell). 

And then DNA was discovered. This would prove fatal to Kenyon's molecular 
evolution theory. Kenyon confesses, "The more I conducted my own studies, 
including a period of time at NASA-AIMS Research Center, the more it became 
apparent there were multiple difficulties with the chemical evolution account. 

"And further experimental work showed that amino acids do not have the ability 
to order themselves into any biologically meaningful sequences. 

"The more I thought about the alternative that was being presented in the 
criticism, and the enormous problem that all of us who had worked on this field 
had neglected to address, the problem of the origin of genetic information 
itself, then I really had to re-assess my whole position regarding origins" 
(Unlocking the Mysteries of Life). 

What he now had to address was this: What was the source of the biological 
information in DNA?

"If one could get at the origin of the messages, the encoded messages within 
the living machinery, then you would really be onto something far more 
intellectually satisfying than this chemical evolution theory." (Ibid.)

The astonishing fact is that inside every microscopic-sized cell, machines work 
together to accomplish specific jobs and are shepherded by other specially 
shaped machines to precise locations where they are needed.

Learning this, Kenyon exclaimed, "This is absolutely mind-boggling, to perceive 
at this scale of size, such a finely tuned apparatus, a device, that bears the 
marks of intelligent design and manufacture!" 

Observable Evidence of a Master Designer

This is observable evidence of thoughtful, programmed designing by some 
Superior Mind. Evidence of intelligently organized patterns.

Music in Genes

Something else. Did you know this? It was recently discovered that DNA is 
linked to music!

If you like music, but think that you can't carry a tune, you may be wrong. 

Respected geneticist, Susumo Ono, believes he's discovered music in genes - 
particularly human genes, fish genes and rabbit genes. Susumo is a researcher 
in DNA. 

He asked himself, If we were to assign a musical note to each chemical on the 
DNA strand and string those notes together and play them, what would DNA sound 

So he did this - and the result was amazing. 

He discovered musical patterns of notes, that again reveal intelligence. 

Susumo Ono was so astonished that he took his findings to musicians. 

And musicians, in turn, were astonished to hear echoes of Bach, of Schubert, of 
Mozart in DNA music. 

Using the same formula for converting DNA into music, Dr. Ono worked backwards 
and translated Chopin's funeral march into chemical symbols. It came out 

Skeptics naturally point out that these strands of DNA produce only a string of 
single notes; it is the musicians who fill in the rhythm and the harmony. 

But the bottom line is this: Whichever way you look at it, the PATTERNS of 
single notes testify to intelligence as the source of DNA. 

Certainly it is not from a blind, accidental force in nature.

Identical to Written Language

But there's more, much more.

Scientists at Bell Laboratories conducted studies on the mathematical language 
in the DNA molecule. 

And what did they find? Its mathematical pattern is identical to that of 
conversational language. 

Concerning DNA, Charles Thaxton states:

"A structural identity has been discovered between the genetic message on DNA 
and the written messages of a human language" (Charles Thaxton, "A New Design 
Argument," Cosmic Pursuit 1, no. 2, Spring 1998).

Hupert Yockey explains:

"There is an identity of structure between DNA (and protein) and written 
linguistic messages. 

"Since we know by experience that intelligence produces written messages, and 
no other cause is known, the implication, according to the adductive method, is 
that intelligent cause produced DNA and protein.

"The significance of this result lies in the security of it, for it is much 
stronger than if the structures were merely similar. 

"We are not dealing with anything like a superficial resemblance between DNA 
and a written text. 

"We are not saying DNA is like a message. Rather, DNA is a message. True design 
thus returns to biology" (Hubert P. Yockey, "Journal of Theoretic Biology"). 

Since there is no doubt in anyone's mind it takes intelligence to write a 
language, it is evident that it took intelligence to write the DNA code.

Intelligently designed 'Sentences' impressed from the Outside 

Dean Kenyon was asked if DNA comes in intelligently designed 'sentences'. 

INTERVIEWER: "And is it true that when scientists peer into the microscopic 
world of DNA, they find not mere random arrangements, but well-written 
'instruction books'?"

KENYON: "Yes. Masterpieces of immense intricacy and subtlety."

INTERVIEWER: "And you argue that these biological 'sentences' in DNA could not 
have arisen merely by material means, as evolutionists suggest?" 

KENYON: "No. Just as the chemistry and physics of ink and paper do not 
determine the order of symbols in a printed text, but that order must be 
impressed on the ink from the 'outside', so also the order of the bases, or 
sub-units, in DNA [adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, or A, T, G, and C 
as commonly represented] is not determined by the known chemical tendencies of 
these individual sub-units, but instead appears to have been impressed from the 
'outside' on the sub-units to create just those sequences that make biological 

The fantastic complexity and orderliness of the DNA code - condensed into an 
incredibly tiny size - suggests the work of a brilliant intellect rather than 
chance processes. 

It suggests that much thought has gone into their design - just as human beings 
use intelligence to design and construct computers, Jumbo jets, space craft and 
other intricate equipment.

If radio signals were to be received from outer space, they would be understood 
as evidence of an intelligent source. 

Why then should we not regard the message sequence on the DNA molecule as prima 
facie evidence of an intelligent source?

Designed not to Evolve

But that is not all! Gene code letters have built in error protection! 

Genes store information in long strings of DNA, in the form of chemical 
letters, called A, T, C and G.

So that genes can be accurately copied, each gene consists of two parallel 
strands of DNA held together by links between the code letters of one strand 
and those of the other strand.

The two strands are not identical. That is, A's do not link to A's, and so on. 

Instead, they are complimentary. A's always link to T's; C's always link to G's.

Donail MacDonaill of Trinity College, Dublin, studied that pattern of linkages 
between letters. 

And he found that they form a parity code similar to computer codes, to 
minimize mistakes during the electronic transfer of information (Nature Science 
Update, www.nature.com/nsu September 18, 2002).

Now is the moment of truth. No one would be so naïve as to believe modern 
electronic parity codes could have evolved by chance. They were carefully 
planned by software designers. 

The parity code found in DNA is further evidence the genetic code was 
deliberately created.

It also reminds us that DNA is designed to maintain accurate copies and avoid 
changes in the information it carries. 

This means it was designed to NOT evolve. But rather to reproduce its own kind 
forever (Genesis 1:11).

Come to think of it, wouldn't that make evolution scientifically impossible?

Did you know that: 

  a.. our scientific thought guardians have rewritten history to present a 
one-sided account of our origins? 
  b.. the scientific elite has suppressed knowledge about fossils, biology and 
dating systems that, if known, would destroy evolution theory? 
  c.. the scientific Establishment has tolerated fraud and employed horrific 
methods to keep this knowledge hidden? 
  d.. science textbooks have been promoted by men who possessed a political 
agenda. . . to solidify their own power base? 
You are about to discover skeletons in locked cupboards, bones in forbidden 
places and secrets hidden under the carpet. 

And you won't believe the immensity of this MULTI-MILLION-DOLLAR COVER- UP! 

In pursuing this scandal, I also stumbled upon a number of fascinating 
trivialities, such as these: 

* Did you hear that in West Virginia, coal miners a mile below ground came upon 
an air pocket containing coalified human bodies - in "200 million year old" 
coal? And that soon after, the spot was permanently flooded! 

* Were you aware that your body has 100 trillion walled cells? And that each 
single cell is as complicated as New York City, with energy generators, 
transport systems, waste disposal systems, structural designers, invasion 
guards, food factories, protective barriers and communication links - all 
crammed into a space less than a thousandth of an inch long. 

* And how about this? Good grade black coal has been produced at the Argonne 
National Laboratories in Illinois from simple heating of wood in only 28 days. 

* Have you heard about those clever European spiders that construct houses 
under the sea? Not only do those tiny creatures link the separate houses with a 
waterproof tunnel, but then they go back and forth to the surface, until they 
have filled the underwater houses with air. 

* Did you know that in Antelope Springs, Utah, in 1968, William Meister 
uncovered a trilobite in the heel of a human sandal print in "440 year old" 
Cambrian rock? 

* Were you aware that inside every cell of your body, microscopic-sized 
machines assemble new machines? And they interact with other machines to 
accomplish specific jobs which require great intelligence. Although each 
machine is never taught - because it has not a nerve cell or a brain in its 
body - it knows exactly what to do. 

* Did you hear what happened in Glen Rose, Texas, on August 13, 1989? Faced 
with 70 human footprints crisscrossing 478 dinosaur tracks, two men with an 
iron bar, tried to destroy the evidence. 

* And catch this! With no glue or suction mechanism, geckos can walk upside 
down across ceilings. And how do they do it? They use atomic forces - 
attraction between atoms! Microscopic hairs on their toes directly attach to 
molecules in the walking surface. 

* Have you heard? "65 million year old" dinosaurs examined in 1990 at Montana 
State University had not yet completely fossilized and they contained red blood 
cells that cannot survive more than a few thousand years. 

* DNA code comes in intelligently designed "sentences" identical to human 
language in well-written "instruction books". 

* And did you know that numerous scientists systematically FALSIFY DATES of 
ancient remains? 

* Surprise! In El Boqueron, Colombia in 1971, Professor Henero Henao Marin 
exposed a 65-foot skeleton of a dinosaur next to a human skull? 

* "Archaeoraptor" (a creature with the body of a bird and the tail of a small 
dinosaur) "discovered" in China in 1999 was announced as "important" evidence 
of evolution. After it sold for $51,000 it was found to be a fraud fossil - 
stuck together from parts of unrelated creatures. 

* And you'd better believe it! Mathematicians assure us that our existence on 
earth is so unlikely, it's as though we had won a million-dollar lottery a 
million times in a row. 

Could this be why Soren Lovtrup, Professor of Embryology, University of Umea, 
Sweden, stated: "I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the 
greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens, many people will 
pose the question: how did this ever happen?" nl468.htm 

These files will interest you: Giant Humans and Dinosaurs and Living Dinosaurs 
from Anglo-Saxon and other Early Records.

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