[geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcsY

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 16:57:31 -0700 (PDT)

Phil MS states it is a force....I say it is not???????
your argument wrt acceleration in essance makes it a force.....yet you say it 
is not????? we agree it is not a force but you still keep trying to use it as 
one. Im ok with the deffintion of inertia there but not your 
application.......if it is not a force then a force cannot make any inertial 
affect (acceleration) disapear..why?  becasue motion and inertia are not 
gravitaionly dependent but ineria is dependent on motion not gravity.......!?

----- Original Message ----
From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism list <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:43:03 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcsY

Allen this is my last attempt at showing you and proving it to all and sundry 
that you do not speak in or accept the basic scientific method. You even break 
every acceptable rule of debate, which is beside the point here. 
A definition is a definition, a commonly accepted state which all in science 
accept to use. It cannot be changed till all agree to that change.  
Enertia  Inertia is the resistance an object has to a change in its state of 
motion. It cannot get more basic than that. And I have pointed this out to you 
several times. Once is enough. 
The what? whys? and how ?of inertia  is outside this definition. Its a name 
given to the resistance an object offers to change of state of motion. 
In your last post you called inertia a force.  Twice.  This makes your whole 
presentation untenable if not illogical. 
Now before some more equivocation is caused, here is what a force is 
Physics. a.an influence on a body or system, producing or tending to produce a 
change in movement or in shape or other effects. 
b.the intensity of such an influence. Symbol: F, f 

Wiki says, In physics, a force is a push or pull that can cause an object with 
mass to accelerate.[1] 
I cannot "force=coerce"  you to accept this but its my physics. 
Inertia is not a force. 
Again today you said among many incomprehensibles, 
 If you cannot equivocate inertia (detectable change in the state of motion) 
with gravity ..
Which again shows your refusal to accept the true definition of inertia.  That 
is of course if I am correct in taking your "equivocate" to mean equate.  Do 
you realise how distorted the short sentence becomes if you meant equivocate? 
–verb (used without object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing. to use ambiguous or unclear 
expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead; prevaricate or 
hedge: When asked directly for his position on disarmament, the candidate only 
I like that word though.. It sounds like you do it a lot..  

So , therefore you still  try to make inertia, into  " inertia (detectable 
change in the state of motion)"  
How in the world can you call inertia a detectable change in the state of 
motion?  And why in the world would anybody want to equate it with gravity? 
Maybe equate wasn't the word you intended either????  
I could detail a large list of similar equivocations in this post alone.. but I 
won't .. Out of charity, enough is enough. 
And I know all about this, which is not at the level I work, so do not bring it 
"There are forces which are frame dependent, meaning that they appear due to 
the adoption of non-Newtonian (that is, non-inertial) reference frames. Such 
forces include the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force.[45] These forces 
are considered fictitious because they do not exist in frames of reference that 
are not accelerating.[3] In general relativity, gravity becomes a fictitious 
force that arises in situations where spacetime deviates from a flat geometry. 
As an extension, Kaluza-Klein theory and string theory ascribe electromagnetism 
and the other fundamental forces respectively to the curvature of differently 
scaled dimensions, which would ultimately implies that all forces are 
I sincerly expect the world to have ended before that ultimate ficticious 
condition eventuates..  
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Allen Daves 
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:11 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcsY

"Nuts!  we are not doing too badly in practise without it..  We do not know 
what a magnetic field is either..  Does that prevent our designed machines from 
working?  When you make the assertions you do about accelerations in a free 
fall in a gravity feild you are using GTR& STR You might be--- I'm not.. Stop 
putting words in my mouth..I keep it down to earth Allen.  
The rest of your words are beyond my comprehension, outside the subject I 
raised and not specific to any point in my response."
...i'm not putting words in your mouth "a rose by any other name is still a 
rose".....call it what you like but it is GTR/STR not Newton that claims a 
acceleration cannot be detected in free fall that is psudo physics....but phil 
it gets better ........& this is not outside the subject ......the kicker to 
all that i said before..........................If inertia is not gravity, as 
we both agree too.......then you cannot claim that a grav feild will prevent a 
inertial detection because inertia is not gravity nor dependent upon gravity. 
Inertia is only wrt motion not wrt gravity. So unless you either equivocate 
inertia with gravity or graivity with motion itself then the absense or 
presence of grav feild cannot determine the detecion of an acceleration/ 
motion. Since inertia/grav/motion are not the same things, then neither can you 
define or prevent a detectble effect (motion/ acceleration) via a garv feild. 
If you cannot equivocate inertia (detectable
 change in the state of motion) with gravity then you cannot determine or tie 
"detectable motion" (acceleration) to the presence of a gravitational feild 
either..full stop..the machine is now completly broken!
see why any claims against accelertaions in free fall are a problem for anyone 
including MS?......It is not a problem for GU but it is a killer problem for 

----- Original Message ----
From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism list <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:54:50 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcsY

2."Why complicate the exercise by going galactic. ?" Because untill we know 
what gravity is in reality we cannot isolate and incubate a force from all the 
other forces if we dont know which ones are which or how they work with/ 
without each other..........
Nuts!  we are not doing too badly in practise without it..  We do not know what 
a magnetic field is either..  Does that prevent our designed machines from 
working?  When you make the assertions you do about accelerations in a free 
fall in a gravity feild you are using GTR& STR You might be--- I'm not.. Stop 
putting words in my mouth..I keep it down to earth Allen.  
The rest of your words are beyond my comprehension, outside the subject I 
raised and not specific to any point in my response. . 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Allen Daves 
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:24 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcsY

Ok Phil ...
1.my point was that Newton did not object to my use of an accelerometor in free 
fall but you kept objecting to my arguments you say based on Newton?.... When 
you make the assertions you do about accelerations in a free fall in a gravity 
feild you are using GTR& STR if we are talking EMR/EMR  ....For the record 
Newton would probably almost certainly agree with me since he asssumed absolute 
motion was the reality, at least i think he would have agreed far more so then 
2."Why complicate the exercise by going galactic. ?" Because untill we know 
what gravity is in reality we cannot isolate and incubate a force from all the 
other forces if we dont know which ones are which or how they work with/ 
without each other..........
3. I agree that gravity and inertia are not in reality the same thing even if 
MS procalims that but if i am arguing with MS folk i will use their own 
precepts against them to make a case.............ok, since you like to day 
dream then lets go futher down the rabit hole........How can a accelerometer 
detect the motion of a car simply because the force is applied to the 
wheels..The accelerometer does not have wheels or know of wheels. The whole 
accelerometer is in contact with the vehicle as a whole .....how does it know 
the force is coming from the wheels? oh we mean that the force must be 
transmitted from the wheels through the frame to the accelerometer.....but wait 
inertia/grav is not the force I applied it is the "force" that counters 
mine...so is inertia a real force and if it is  which "force" am i actualy 
detecting?...when we say we detect an acceleration are we detecting my force or 
inertia/gravity force?..so which force is the accelerometer
 detecting the inertial/gravitational or my force?.If the "inertial force" is a 
real force then how can we say we are detecting the inertal force that is equal 
to all parts simoltaniously ?....If it is not a real force how do i measure it 
or make the claim that "nothing" acts on every part equaly!?...  If we say we 
are only detecting our force then how can we claim proof or knoldege for what 
or how ( equal to all parts)  the inertial/gravitational force is acting on 
mass in the first place? How do you make a distinction between the action of 
the two forces mine v inertia?.Is inertia a real force or just a reacation to a 
real force ?...If force is force then why would it matter where i apply my 
force to a mass?... Inertia is said to be a reaction to the grav field....but 
wait if the resistance to my force is equal to all parts then any reaction to 
that field should also always be equal to all parts...but wait if that were the 
case then how can any
 inertial effect ever, anywhere, in the universe be observed or measured? How 
can we claim a diferential reaction to something that acts equaly to all parts? 
what is the difference between a hyperbolic orbit around a star and hyperbolic 
trajectory wrt distant stars inertial/gravitainal feilds?...one is said to be a 
undetectable state the other is absoluty nessisary to detect that state 
otherwise there is no inertial effect, by deffintion of effect!?......So 
inertia and Gravity are not one and the same thing..Ithink we can agree on that.
what we can say is :
A. "inertia" cannot and does not work isolated from and external to any other 
forces in the universe (including gravity) acting on that mass at the same time 
nor can it be "quantified" as such!? 
B. Inertia is nothing more then the measured difference between any two states 
of motion or at rest regaurdless of the cause of inertia. What constitutes 
motion cannot be not dependent on inertia or an inertial feild (if one exist 
other then the universe itself) since inertia also includes a measured 
difference from the state of rest. Inertia depends on motion but motion does 
not depend on inertia. Inertia is just a quantifiable change to real 
action/effect as measured from a absolute frame of reference. Without such a 
absolute frame there can be no motion period. This is true because any real 
relative motion is only relative to other real bodies that have a real states 
of either rest or motion. Without a real state of either rest or motion 
existence of a body is non-definable or non-quantitative wrt any quantitative 
reality. To be non-quantative about an inherent state og being is to be non 
scientific, neither can to claim a non-quantitative state be
 considered a mythologically sound by definition of those terms. Otherwise, 
there can be no such thing as motion at all for the space that separate any two 
or more bodies in motion must itself be absolute , otherwise there would be no 
way to measure even relative motion.
C. A "gravitational field" cannot define what constitutes inertia. Since 
inertia a just a measured differnce of the state of motion, then absence or 
presence of a gravitational field does not dictate or prevent what constitutes 
real motion. 
D.The presence or absence of a Grav field cannot prevent the measurement of 
something it does not define or affects the definition thereof.
E. We have no bases logicaly or experimentaly to claim that gravity works on 
every molecule equally and simultaneously such that accelerometers cannot 
detect acceleration forces to include a acceleration caused by "gravity" itself.

----- Original Message ----
From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism list <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:00:37 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcsY

1.I was not shouting...the font defaulted .. I'm glad Allen. I run away from 
sensitive people when they get rattled. Hurt comes from pride you know.. I 
pride myself upon having no feelings of pride. No feelings period..  now down 
to work. You sayeth, 
......AS for STR and GTR you still don’’t apply GTR or it termonology or 
concepts consistently and you are right you "really (dont) know what it 
I havn't used STR and GTR or its termonology in the context of this discussion 
at all!  
It must be me that cannot write coherently..  Allen you take selections of my 
text out of context..  You are missing the theme of my primary objective..  I 
try to make single subject simple paragraphs for you. But you read different 
meanings into what I say.  
I never use the scientific jargon, you call terminology , as regards GTR or STR 
. without specifically naming it.  I do not believe in them as part of my level 
of physics which is the practical application..   Applied Physics..  
When I theorise, I always try to make it obvious  I am dreaming..  How many 
times have I conflicted with Paul by declaring that concensus does not make any 
theory TRUTH ?  
I said, and I highlight it again/    
 When I say relativity 
 Here is what you missed loud and clear..  
relativity   noun [U] FORMAL

the state of being judged in comparison with other things and not by itself.

At the risk of annoying others on this list with another oupouring of 
unnecessary circulatory discourse, I will put short comments into your blues 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Allen Daves 
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:20 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcs

1.I was not shouting...the font defaulted to 24 and i wrote those in a hurry i 
was busier then i normally am......no spell check or double check of 
anything......AS for STR and GTR you still don’’t apply GTR or it termonology 
or concepts consistently and you are right you "really know what it is"....... 
."Then I've heard of special relativity... I don't really know what it is. but 
it could be suspect."............
"I have heard of Einsteins general relativity I don't really know what it is. 
but it could be suspect. If its this, then I do not support it or ever proclaim 
it. Its an unproven theory you see. "
2.  Newton did not proclaim that a gyro cannot detect the acceleration in free 
fall!?............The theories you say you don’t know what they are (GTR STR) 
did that!, 
To me its not anybodies theory. Its a practical reality of life.  I held a 
spinning flywheel in my hand and tested the reactions. 
after real world experiments not just Newton’s thought experiments were 
actually performed and showed difficulties with understanding of motions in a 
HC universe????...........  I think it is funny you keep saying things like 
"The application of gravity effects every molecule in a given space equally, on 
the sprung mass of an accelerometer and the springs as also on the vehichle 
containing it. As far as I know, gravity is the only force that can do this". 
SO What do You base this on what?! 
Common Sense!
A Ball and feather?!..no one is arguing that a ball and feather in a vacuum 
chamber will appear to your supper scientific calibrated eye to hit bottom at 
the same time.....??? Neither will any HS student who has ever taken a 
accelerometer on a roller coaster or elevator ..or even a free fall from a hot 
air balloon claim that every molecule in that accelerometer had the 
gravitational force to act on every part of it equally such that it showed no 
acceleration !?..why?...because although the force of gravity itself is 
consistent...the materials that it acts on have different properties......oh 
you forgot to take into consideration that different materials transfer "FORCE" 
as you point out so cleverly here differntly.. 
Yep gravity works on protons or electrons equally, be they feathers or lead 
balls.. I expect you to know I mean this to the exclusion of all other 
extraneous forces. . 
"There is no difference, or different types of acceleration Allen. the 
definition is all inclusive Acceleration, is change in motion due to an 
application of a force or forces. .. full stop". So if force is force then the 
difference must be in the materials that must emit that force but also how 
that/ any force is transmitted through all the materials...................wait 
for it phil...............since there is a interior and a exterior and the 
source according to newton is the masses then ......OH MY GOODNESS I THINK WE 
JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY!? this is sad... Gravity even if though it is constant & 
consistent "force" must still traverse and even pass through various different 
materials that have various different properties wrt how they emit/transmits 
"forces"..we know that is true cos density affects "force transmision"  "in the 
lab" .......PHIL, .you know  all thoes "gravitons" no  I don't know or what 
ever it is in MS or "Newton’s universe" that
 causes  and transmits gravity....oh wait, Newton did not know what gravity 
was, so he never actually specified or even address that little 
issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????? ......(that was as shout!)....now,  I'll 
tone it down an octive or two....still sad.......So ...you mean......"Gravity 
force"  whatever that is may not be the only variable to how gravity works in 
the real world?....Yes,  that is what real world not just thought experiments 
show...........ummmm......... what a novel idea! I don't get it. 
3....If there is no difference in acceleration forces Did I say that? read me 
again. taken from mine below. 
"There is no difference, or different types of acceleration Allen "
Of course an exploding bomb is a differnt force to magnetism or gravity. never 
said differently.  But your assumption that I did gives you this false Idea : 
"then you certainly cannot claim a gyro cannot detect a acceleration in free 
fall in orbit around a body." is not true..Are you being obstropolis.  How many 
times have I denied saying such a thing. .if the gyro detects a change in 
orientation wrt the body in the same direction as the orbit .....ta-da.... then 
it must have detected that acceleration (by definition of acceleration  Yes! 
but have you forgotten we were discussing Pauls accelerometer on springs.  and 
again I repeat that is an accelerometer, not a flywheel. How many times are you 
ignoring my stated statements. This is especially true if the rate of 
orientation change wrt the body is identical to the orbital period!? Phil not 
only do you keep invoking logical contradictions and inconsistent terminology 
of MS while claiming you dont
 subscribe to it but you insiste on holding me to the very thing you say you do 
not accept but use to make all your argument? I could not follow any reasoning 
here. Read mine above again.
4. I dont have to mention problems with tides and inertia itself again ..just 
dont think i forgot about it.....I just hope you have.. I couldn't stand any 
more MS relitivity. 
5. "If we could control the movement of a vehicle and its passengers by 
gravitation, it could make sudden 20,000mph right angle turns and the 
passengers would not even know the turn had been made.. Isaac Asimov. " He 
bases this statement on what?! 
Knowing Asimov, he no doubt interpreted it according to einsteins theories of 
relativity..  but he explained it to us nerds reading the pulp magazine in 
simple practical terms that we could work with. ... If the driver accelerates 
the car we get thrown back wards in our seat, because of our inertia..  But if 
he accelerates both the car and our bodies with an equal force , we will not 
notice a thing..  ..  and gravity can do that..  I find that perfectly logical 
in practise, even in a world without Einstein, especially in a world without 
Maybe one day a moment of consistent & "sober" thought ;-) will pass by your 
way...when it does don’t just wave at as passes you by ...for heaven sake get 
out into the middle of the road highjack it and take all they got!........;-) 
I should be so unlucky!  Sorry all, 
----- Original Message ----
From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, April 7, 2008 5:22:05 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Acceleration calcs

No Phil   Allen is rattled.. he is shouting..  it doesn't work.. see I turned 
the volume down..  
"niether Paul nor you have demonstrated in any fasion the differnce between an 
acceleration in any direction and a change in oreintaion to any 
direction..which by deffintion requires an acceleration to that direction!? The 
dishonesty here is with thoes who say..." etc
There is no difference, or different types of acceleration Allen. the 
definition is all inclusive Acceleration, is change in motion due to an 
application of a force or forces. .. full stop. 
Simple vector diagrams of  applied forces explain both the direction and 
magnitude of change of velocity of the motion of any mass. We were/are 
discussing the effect of the application of just one type of force.. gravity.   
 The application, Allen not the theory of whys or wherefores..  The application 
of gravity effects every molecule in a given space equally, on the sprung mass 
of an accelerometer and the springs as also on the vehichle containing it.  As 
far as I know,  gravity is the only force that can do this. 
If we could control the movement of a vehicle and its passengers by 
gravitation, it could make sudden 20,000mph right angle turns and the 
passengers would not even know the turn had been made..   Isaac Asimov. 
The rest of your post was beyond garbled. 

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