[gena01-announcements] Win32Pad 1.2.2 released

  • From: "Gennady Feldman" <gena01@xxxxxx>
  • To: "Announcements" <gena01-announcements@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 14:37:20 -0500

Here is the long waited bug fix release. I have tried my best to
address/fix many reported problems in the previous version.

Here is the changelog:
x Fixed a crash in Find/Replace code.
x Fixed a problem with right click menu showing up in weird places when
you have selected text.
x Renamed "Revert" to "Reload from file"
x Changed the "there is unsaved data" to a more informative message
x When in the change font dialog, change the font and hit cancel (do not
hit ok). The font is then change anyway...
x After the file is loaded, or "reverted".......if zero changes is made,
the revert button should be disabled.
x Removed # of lines in the status line. This actually improves
performance in my stress tests.
x Moved "Word Wrap" back under tools.
x Removed "Ready..." from status bar.
x Fixed the border and resizing code.
x Fixed the tab size for Block Indent.
x Fixed a weird case where doing Block Indent didn't do anything.
x Fixed the way Block Indent highlights the block.
x Fixed the font bug reported in the forums.
x Fixed a find bug w/ wrap around.
+ Added a warning message when changing URL detection settings.

P.S. As always report the problems and issues in the forums. I am
waiting to hear some feedback on this release. Enjoy :)

G.F. aka Gena01

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  • » [gena01-announcements] Win32Pad 1.2.2 released