[geeqie] Re: WG: Missing features: cropping images and filtering filenames

  • From: Omari Stephens <xsdg@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: geeqie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2018 18:46:36 +0000

On 06/20/2018 06:50 AM, R. Diez (Redacted sender rdiezmail-temp2 for DMARC) wrote:

Hallo Colin Clark:

First of all, thanks for your answer.

I found it awkward to answer myself, because I did not get an e-mail. I had to 
manually check the mailing list archive to see your message.
Howdy, rdiez

Unfortunately, freelists.org redacts your email address, so we can't respond to you directly. I don't know why this is, or whether it's configurable, but that's why you aren't seeing these responses directly. The most expedient option is likely to join the list.

I use a bit of a hack to get around this.


Unfortunately, this is for another user with little computer expertise. Hacks 
are not appropriate there. Furthermore, the user wants (demands!) UI comfort. 
For myself, I just fire up Gimp. 8-)

At the end of the day, Geeqie is an image viewer. It is not an image editor. Generic image editing features would incur a lot of baggage and complexity that aren't otherwise relevant for Geeqie (for instance: What output formats are supported? Is it possible to open as one format and save as a different one? How are images internally represented? Can we guarantee that image metadata makes it from one input format to a different output format? If, say, we read a 16bpc PNG, or a 32bpc TIFF, can we do appropriate bit depth conversions to write an 8bpc JPEG?)

One of the reasons why geeqie does what it does reasonably well (although with plenty of room to improve, for certain) is that it maintains a relatively focused scope: use built-in features to view images, and allow script-based extension for other stuff.

I have vaguely thought about creating an add-on to
act as a front-end to the search page to do repeat searches,
and as you suggest, basic searches.

Please note that I was suggesting a small quick filter text field at the top of 
the existing file list pane, and not about any search dialog box or search 
functionality, simplified or not. A quick filter provides easy, instant 
gratification 90% of the time.

One of geeqie's challenges is that the codebase isn't super-well-organized. Your request _should_ be a fairly straightforward task, but given how things are organized, it would likely take a fair bit of work (I could be wrong, but that's my sense just thinking about other changes I've done in geeqie)

A refactor would go a long way to restoring the flexibility to do things like this quickly, but that refactor is also a lot of work. I've been thinking about it, but haven't actually had the time to make much progress. I'm sure the other geeqie devs are in a similar boat, unfortunately.

I would not underestimate comfort features. Most people are not hackers and do 
not want to switch to obviously better software if the old one is easy to use.

Understood. I think it bears mentioning that Colin has gone a long way toward keeping some momentum in the project (thanks!), but there's more work to be done than people and time to do it, so we have to prioritize around not only what's useful/valuable, but also what is sustainable given our minimal coding resources.


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