[gameprogrammer] Re: Good questions

  • From: "Alan Wolfe" <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 19:36:32 -0700

Man sorry to hear about your health bob that is totally screwed up.

This email is totally off topic you guys...so sorry about that.  If you want
to read up on some cool stuff that doesnt relate to game programming keep
reading, otherwise stop reading now so i don't waste your time.

Do you still do your shaolin kung fu training?  Hows that for a fun workout
eh? :P

I'm still training myself but just wanted to say...for all our fellow
computer nerds, if your lookin to get in shape i seriously recommend martial
arts.  When you first start it seems to not make much sense, but since i
know you all are coders like me, there comes a point after a couple years
where things start to make sense and you can take principles you learn in
one place and apply them in other places to learn things beyond what you
were taught.  It's really cool.  I sit on my ass about 14 hours a day since
i program from my house as part of a small 3 man company so if it wasn't for
karate i'd be a total lard ass but it keeps me in good shape just going
twice a week for an hour and a half (:

This is totally off topic but I have 2 things which might help you a bit Bob
if you don't know about them already

#1) Go to www.mattfurey.com he has a ton of awesome ways to get in good
help.  His combat conditioning stuff is great, our teacher got alot of
really cool exersizes from him like hindu pushups, hindu squats, and a
really awesome one - the back bridge.

Matt furey basically researches fitness techniques and such and his
information ranges from current all the way back to historic times but there
is alot of shaolin influence in what he does.  He is also the only white
person to ever win the chinese national kung fu championship! You can go
there and sign up for his free daily email thing where in every email he
talks about some principles about getting in shape or staying healthy etc.

I shit you not...if you do 2.5 minutes of hindu squats, 1.5 minutes of hindu
pushups, and a minute of backbridging, that is only 5 minutes of working out
but not only will it kick your ass...if you do that lets say 3 days a week
you will get RIPPED.  I have personally seen people do that...drop 50 pounds
in 3 months and get strong with functional muscle from only doing 5 minutes
of workout in 3 days a week (imagine if you did it longer or more often :P)

#2) check out www.shaolinsecrets.com for volume 1 of 10 of the origional
shaolin manuscripts - filled with history, techniques, exersizes herbal
medicines, breathing exersizes etc straight from the shaolin temple itself.
If your wondering about the validity (alot of people do, it seems almost too
good to be true), my sensei is the one in charge of selling those books and
making the other derivative products from them (not done yet but he's
working on them at this very moment) like dvds that put into video some of
this knowledge.  Not only is my teacher in charge of selling them, I made
the website (to his specs....don't laugh at me haha) and 2 of my buddies
were there in china when the professor passed the untranslated books to the
professor so it is 100% legit let me assure you.  Also, 2 years ago i
finally earned my black belt after some 6 years of training and the monks
came out from china to help out with the test (there were a couple hundred
of us testing),  as well as teach us some stuff and put on a neat show for
us after it was over.  The abbot of the shaolin temple himself was there as
well as 12 warrior monks so it was quite an ordeal!

Anyways that is totaly screwed up Bob about your health, I hope you feel

And sorry for the spam, I just wanted to share these 2 awesome things with
you in hope that maybe they can help somehow.

::cheers to your health!::

On 6/19/06, Bob Pendleton <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 08:29 -0700, Kevin Jenkins wrote: > > > > I have to admit that I haven't been paying that much attention to the > > list recently. I have been through a lot of drama over the last several > > months caused by a misdiagnosis and a series of false positive results > > on medical tests. Maybe we should have a discussion of how to stay > > healthy while living the high tech high stress life of a game developer? > > > > Feeling like I am back from the dead, > > > > Bob Pendleton > > Sorry to hear about your health problems, Bob!

That's the thing, I wound up in the hospital for an operation on my
heart when there was nothing wrong with my heart. The first thing they
did when they got me on the table was to do an angiogram that showed
that all the previous tests were dead wrong. My trust in doctors is at
an all time low!

> So here's a question: How to stay healthy as a game developer?
> Here's an answer: Play dance dance revolution!  Seriously.  I bought
> it about 3 weeks ago and it's the first time I've ever played games
> that have kept me in shape.  Even my wife approves of me playing games
> now.
> This is not an ad, just my personal experience.

I have heard the same thing from many people. My experience is that
exercise is the key to good health. If you exercise you will find your
self eating better and being more healthy. The problem is that most
exercise is about as much fun as watching paint dry. (I am speaking as a
man who has worn out 2 exercycles, 1 nordic track, 1 tread mill, and who
has a nice collection of free weights. I now practice a martial art and
the combination of mental challenge and physical challenge makes me want
to exercise.

If DDR does the same thing for you, then that is wonderful. I do worry
about the replay value of DDR. How long until you get bored with it?

               Bob Pendleton

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