[gameprogrammer] Re: Chess

  • From: "Chris Schnurr" <chris.schnurr@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 15:42:44 +0100

hey, no worries,

I'm a better beta tester than coder :)


-----Original Message-----
From: gameprogrammer-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:gameprogrammer-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jehangir Iqbal
Sent: 22 April 2004 19:58 P
To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gameprogrammer] Re: Chess

First of all
Thankyou very much Mr. Chris Schnurr

It is really nice to see that some people are trying my game seriously and are 
telling me the bugs that I overlooked or left
I am busy than normal these days, I will look at the bugs of chess as soon as I 
will find time.

The bug that I will fix in no time is ("Swicth Sides")....It is interesting to 
see that I have misspelled it..

All the issues that you have discussed are really big ones and I hope I will 
fix them soon. It is so big of you that you have taken
some time from your busy schedule and Let me notify about these bugs.

    Jehangir Iqbal

Chris Schnurr <chris.schnurr@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

First off, I like this game! Its a shame I am not a good chess player, but 
using your game I might improve...

Overall impression is that this looks like a great implementation and it took 
me a while to find any 'bugs' in it.

I hope you don't take this personally - it is not a criticism of the game, its 
just a highlight of a few bugs I have found.




Here they are:--

1. General cosmetic:
window resizing causes refresh flickering
Switch Sides Menu item mis spelled ("Swicth Sides")

2. Nice User Interface additions:
Cannot set size of window (not persistent after program quits - always appears 
in maximum screen resolution)
would be nice to save window dimensions and screen co ordinates on exit
Cannot see standard chess notation co ordinates e.g. Bishop.5, King.4 etc
print std chess notation on tool bar
allow 'setup a position' to use std chess notation to place items on board
have a number of preset chess positions from famous matches set up on screen
(A beginner) may not see where 'Check' situation is on board
highlight on screen location of pieces which are used to make 'Check'?
Log a Game
Record all game moves to allow replay of game in step by step fashion.
* This would also allow you to include 'famous' games and 'replay' them, or 
replay some of them and then try and play them
yourself, etc...
Increase contrast of figures
can you highlight the square when move occurs or when a piece is selected? a 
simple outline around the square would be sufficient
to provide additional contrast.

Error : File i/o
open checkmate.exe
select 'New'
Select 'Open Game'
Select a non .cpg file as the game (e.g. a .bmp bitmap)
Now Open this non .cpg file.
error: "number of pieces incorrect"
Gameboard refreshes with all pieces setup normally
now attempt any move - any move comes up as being an illegal move.

3a. Repeat error three but select 'Open Game' halfway through current game:
same problem as above in 3.

Error: Cometic / User interface
Environment: Show chess clocks
Cannot move chess clocks window?
open new application (eg text editor)
Chess clocks show on top of text editor
Hide chess clocks
Move checkmate window
show chess clocks - clocks remain in fixed position on screen
Close / Move options on chess clocks window on windows taskbar do not have any 
Setup:Setup a position
No validation of setup - can fill the board with King pieces
Once Setup of pieces has finished, error: "number of pieces incorrect"
Gameboard refreshes
now attempt any move : any move comes up as an illegal move as above in 3.

Perform steps outlined above in 3.
Select 'Undo Move'
All pieces are removed from screen apart from white bishop in top Right hand 

Perform steps outlines above in 5.
Select 'New Game'
New game created, all board pieces appear apart from White castle in bottom 
left corner
New game will now play normally, without the white castle available.

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