[freelists-users] Deleting/editing archive items in a list.Re: Having two owners

  • From: Lord Wadehorse <w0400@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <freelists-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 18:01:12 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)

A seacrh of freelists-users failed to provide an answer to this issue.
It provided a red herring and a misunderstanding, so I will ask the
question carefully.

WE have some items in the list archive which we would either like to
edit or remove. These contain e-mail addresses, whcih got out and we
would rather not have them publically visible. Yes, the archive protects
the header, but obviously not the message body or users signatures,
Being more than warey about a certain sort of tinned meat, we would like
to remove the bits that we would rather were not visible. This could be
done bt editing the original file in the archive or deleting and
resubmitting a cleaned up version.

Make sense? Clear? understandable? I hope so. It took me sometime to get
the list oner to realize the issue and now I am working with him to find
ways of "tidying up".

I await answers with interest.


Yours John.

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