[foxboro] aim*API issues.

  • From: "Schouten, Frits JF" <Frits.Schouten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 07:21:21 +1200

Dear list,
Is it worth putting a CAR in for the fact the aim* applications don't work from 
a Remote Desktop connection?
Running apitst or apispy both come back with the following message:

SimSci AIM*API Test Program
AIM*API is not running!
Please restart application after AIM*API is started!

But it is running and when I run the same 'test' programs from the console, 
it's fine.

So, I went to 'Control Panel' and restarted AIM*API from the Remote Desktop 
Connection and all started to work just fine.
I can imagine that all programs using AIM*API are temporary 'disconnected' when 
a restart is done. This can't be right.

Why can't it be like a normal operating system where once a service is started, 
it's available to any application from any terminal?

The above issue is hindering the development of user applications using Remote 
Desktop Connection.

Frits Schouten
Principal Engineer
Process Computing Department
Aukland:  +64 +9 375 8111 ext 5261
Waiuku:   +64 +9 236 5911 ext 5261
Mobile:   021 963894


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  • » [foxboro] aim*API issues. - Schouten, Frits JF