• From: mike mcinnis <ratmotor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
  • Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 19:51:05 -0400

Greetings sis Reis, et al;

   This is one of my favorite passages of scripture and mr. Hawker has blessed me with his thoughts upon it.   On the one hand the LORD of GLORY is HE who has need of nothing and no one.  Yet we are amazed to read that HE humbled HIMSELF to walk among men as a MAN subject to all of the necessities of men, and yet was without sin of any stripe or kind.  HE came to do HIS FATHER's will and was perfectly aligned with that will, since it was HIS own as well.  HE would be just and the  JUSTIFIER of those who believe and we see HIM of necessity visiting this well in Samaria even as we see HIM speaking to Zaccheus in a tree, and blind Bartimaeus by the road side out of this same necessity.  None of HIS sheep will be lost, HE will gather them all regardless of their dwelling place or the condition that they are found in.  We think of the woman taken in adultery and Peter with the words of denial fresh upon his lips being gazed upon by the ONE who had prayed for Peter that his FAITH fail not.  HE came to seek and to save that which was lost and HE shall see of the travail of HIS soul and be satisfied.

Blessings, mike

On 9/13/2021 1:33 PM, Soraya Reis wrote:

*"And he must needs go through Samaria." John 4:4*

*And what was there, blessed Jesus, that constrained thee to this necessity? Was it because there was a poor adulterous woman there, that needed thy grace, and the hour was come for her conversion? Sweet thought! let me cherish it this morning. Was there not the same needs be for the Father setting thee up, from everlasting, for the head of thy church and people? Could there have been a church without thee? And when thy church had fallen by sin, what archangel could have recovered her but thee? Why then there was a needs be that thou shouldest take the nature of thy people upon thee, and come to seek and save that which was lost. And as it is said of thee concerning this poor woman, that "he must needs go through Samaria," so must it be equally said, Jesus must needs go to Jerusalem, to save Jerusalem sinners by his blood. Oh yes, there was a blessed necessity upon thee, thou Lamb of God, that thou shouldest do all this. "Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?" *

*My soul, indulge this precious thought yet further, and see if there be not a needs be in thy Jesus for numberless other occasions. Is there not a blessed necessity that Jesus should give out of his fulness to his people? Is there not a needs be, when his blessed gospel is preached, that he should be present to give virtue and efficacy to the word delivered? Might not every poor, waiting, needy sinner say, there is a blessed necessity Christ should be here? Surely he is constrained by his promise, that where two or three are met in his name, he is in the midst of them; and therefore he will come, he will bless his word, he will give out of his fulness; for he knows my need, and the need of all his people present. Nay, is not the glory of our Jesus depending upon the receiving of his poor, and making them rich by his bounty? *

*Go one step further, my soul, this morning, as it concerns thyself. Doth not Jesus know now thy state, thy want, thy circumstances, and that thou art waiting for thy morning alms before that thou canst leave his gate? Then is there not a needs be that he, who was constrained to pass through Samaria, should come to thee? Precious, precious Jesus! I wait thy coming; I long to hear thy voice. What I need thou knowest. And as thy glory and my salvation are both blended, do for me, Lord, as shall best conduce to this one end, and all will be well. Jesus will be glorified, and my soul made happy. Amen.*

*Robert Hawker (1753-1827)***

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