[fenrir-screenreader] Re: fenrir startup errors

  • From: Chrys <chrys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: fenrir-screenreader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2017 22:55:13 +0100


I think I managed to break fenrir.
I removed fenrir-git from system on archlinux to get a known state situation.
I ran as root pip3 install fenrir-screenreader
I ran as user /usr/share/fenrir/tools/configure-pulse.sh
I ran as root /usr/share/fenrir/tools/configure-pulse.sh
I ran as user /usr/share/fenrir/tools/config-fenrir
as user after having restarted the system I ran fenrir.
looks all good so far but fenrir needss to be running as root currently not as user (it needs permissions to uinput to grab input and  /dev/vcsaX).
i also do currently not recomment config-fenrir since it get not that love that it should. you should change the settings in /etc/fenrir with an text editor. this works quite well :).
did you install speech-dispatcher, sox and espeak?

cheers chrys
Am 24.12.2017 um 14:42 schrieb Storm Dragon:


First, sorry for the long response time. things are a bit crazy around here with the holiday stuff going on.

You are making things more complex than they need to be with Arch. I would recommend running the git branch, but the stable should work just as well. The git branch is updated quite often of course, and you will have the latest features and bug fixes. So, to install it, simplay use your favorite AUR helper to install fenrir-git.

You have already ran the pulse configuration tool, so you shouldn't need to do that again. You may want to run sudo spd-conf and set up a root user speech-dispatcher though. Then, start fenrir using systemd:
sudo systemctl start fenrir

The default settings can be changed in /etc/fenrir/settings/settings.conf. As a final note, I think we are going to be switching away from speech-dispatcher as  the primary speech provider. There is a generic speech driver that seems to be more stable and provide better support with less configuration. Of course, speech-dispatcher will still be available as an option, just not the default.

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 01:35:23AM -0500, Jude DaShiell wrote:
I think I managed to break fenrir.
I removed fenrir-git from system on archlinux to get a known state situation.
I ran as root pip3 install fenrir-screenreader
I ran as user /usr/share/fenrir/tools/configure-pulse.sh
I ran as root /usr/share/fenrir/tools/configure-pulse.sh
I ran as user /usr/share/fenrir/tools/config-fenrir
as user after having restarted the system I ran fenrir.
The typescript file below is what came back.

Script started on 2017-12-22 01:13:05-0500
internet is up
Violence in reality is quite different from theory.
        -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders", stardate 5818.4
"...I hope there is a God for Grandpa Richards's sake,
but don't much care if there is one for mine."
 [Cavett by Dick Cavett and Christopher Porterfield
  (New York: Bantam Books, 1974), pp. 56-7.  Cavett's
  grandfather was a fundamentalist Baptist minister]
The Moon is Waxing Crescent (14% of Full)
Time: 01:13:09 AM
Date: Friday December 22 2017
Week: 51
Day Of Year: 356
[jude@taf ~]$ rfrnrfenrir
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/fenrir", line 21, in <module>
 File "/usr/bin/fenrir", line 16, in main
   app = fenrirManager.fenrirManager()
 File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/core/fenrirManager.py", line 22, in __init__
   self.environment = settingsManager.settingsManager().initFenrirConfig(cliArgs, self)
 File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/core/settingsManager.py", line 299, in initFenrirConfig
 File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/core/settingsManager.py", line 38, in loadShortcuts
   kbConfig = open(kbConfigPath,"r")
IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/etc/fenrir/keyboard/'
[jude@taf ~]$ exit

Script done on 2017-12-22 01:14:12-0500

Did I run things in the wrong order?

both speechdispatcher and espeak work as well as festival and flite on this system however espeak "test" fails with multiple alsa errors.


Website: https://linux-a11y.org
Wiki: https://wiki.linux-a11y.org/doku.php?id=fenrir
Code: https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir
IRC Live Support:
Network: irc.linux-a11y.org
Room: #a11y

Website: https://linux-a11y.org
Wiki: https://wiki.linux-a11y.org/doku.php?id=fenrir
Code: https://github.com/chrys87/fenrir
IRC Live Support:
Network: irc.linux-a11y.org
Room: #a11y

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