Re: new pre-release: 20040508

  • From: Denis Prost <denis.prost@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: emelfm2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 May 2004 00:23:38 +0200


Thanks for this new release. the new keybindings system is very powerful !
I just met one problem with it. I tried to bind "slash" to "find", instead =
"Ctrl+f" but it does not work while it used to in the previous release : It=
is registered properly in my config, but nothing happens when I press=20
Shift+Colon which makes slash  on the french keyboard.



Le samedi 8 Mai 2004 00:32, tooar a =E9crit :
> i've just uploaded a new pre-release which can be downloaded at
>  *
> this pre-release introduces a new keybinding system, which is basically
> working now. i haven't added all default keybindings yet because i have
> to sort out some things with the new action system first.
> furthermore, there are some bug fixes and other minor stuff, see the
> changelog as usual.
> btw, you should better backup your configuration before testing this
> pre-release. (or start with a new one by adding -c "some_dir" as
> argument to the emelfm2 executable)
> regards,
>       tooar
> --
> Microsoft is not the answer. It's the question.
> And the answer is no.
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