Re: emefm2 with 64 bit hardy

  • From: "Sadako" <sadako@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: emelfm2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 17:25:19 +0100 (IST)

> I used to get the same thing on x86_64 gentoo, but seemed to have been
> resolved with 0.4.
> However, I am now experiencing the exact same thing with 0.4.1, albiet on
> an x86 system using uclibc rather than glibc (can you say "unsupported"?
> ;) ).
> It _always_ happens when going to the root directory with either the 'up'
> or 'back' buttons, and it _also_ happens from the command bar when you use
> `cd ../` to get to the root directory, and even happens with just `cd /`,
> so the issue seems to be changeing to the root directory itself...

I meant to include this first time around, the actual segfault message in
dmesg is "emelfm2[14444]: segfault at c ip dce880e1 sp f39ffc94 error 4 in[dce7f000+a000]", if that's of any help.

I tried running emelfm2 within gdb, but the UI was completely
non-responsive, so couldn't do anything.
Seems to work fine in gdb on my normal install, so probably a uclibc issue
(plus the fact that I don't know what I'm doing...).

Here's the output I get with emelfm2 compiled with DEBUG=5;

[DEBUG ] e2_action_run (from:, rt:pane1.go_up)
[DEBUG ] _e2_pane_change_dir (rt:,path:"..",update:1,hook:1)
[DEBUG ] e2_action_run () ends
[DEBUG ] managing cd to /
[DEBUG ] shut down a cd-timer for this pane
[NOTICE] Changing active pane to /
[DEBUG ] change-dir-thread (ID=18434) started
[DEBUG ] _e2_fileview_change_dir: /
[DEBUG ] current directory data loaded
[DEBUG ] setup to clear stores later
[NOTICE] e2_combobox_activated_cb
[DEBUG ] e2_combobox_set_active: 0
Segmentation fault

When you change directory without it crashing (ie anything other than /),
the following two lines typically follow the "e2_combobox_set_active"

[DEBUG ] _e2_fileview_change_dir ends
[DEBUG ] 1 old liststore(s) cleared


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