[elky] Re: My nephew and fading troubles

  • From: Chris Lindh <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: elky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 07:21:06 -0400

Cute kid... Rowan is 2.  He's in to everything.  Our boys have two
speeds: full throttle and sleep.

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:49 AM,  <faithcubsmc2691@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> It is hard to believe, but my nephew will be 2 years old this November.
> Watching him grow has been tremendously fun.  My favorite story, thus far,
> happened earlier in June.
> I went to my sis/bro-in-law’s place to drop off something for my sister.  I
> parked out front in the street and came in the side door by the driveway.
> As I opened the door, my nephew yelled, “Cort!”  [He hasn't quite mastered
> "Uncle", it comes out ... "Unc ... Unc ... Unclcor"!]
> I heard my sister say, “How’d you know that was Uncle Cort coming in the
> house?”  A bit later, we found out.  As we were talking in the front room,
> my nephew walked to the front window, pointed, and said, “Cahr…Cort cahr.”
> He was pointing at my Caprice Classic....
> Later, right before I left, he started saying “Cap…Cap…Cap…Capri!”, trying
> to say Caprice for me.
> Other "nephew corruption victories" I claim include getting him to say...
> ..."Dodge", which my sister drives (manual Dakota quad cab)
> ..."Arlo", which is what I called the Monte Carlo, soon after my parents
> bought their ("my") 1976 Monte Carlo when I was ~2 years old.
> While he hasn't said "Monte", "Carlo" or "Monte Carlo" for me, Dad tells me
> that he has said "Monte" for him....  For now ... I'm settling for Caprice,
> since he hasn't seen my Monte Carlos yet...!
> 3 pics of my nephew....
> Driving his truck:
> http://lh4.ggpht.com/_8IKQluy-9ok/TBbBIqbnXGI/AAAAAAAADv0/xQXkDF-jbqQ/JJ_1.jpg
> Who...me?
> http://lh6.ggpht.com/_8IKQluy-9ok/TBbBIgtVUTI/AAAAAAAADv4/Z8BTrrlxWaI/JJ_2.jpg
> Uncle Cort is so silly!
> http://lh6.ggpht.com/_8IKQluy-9ok/TBbBI2R84_I/AAAAAAAADv8/SKq92afjrFE/JJcort_2.jpg
> Sssooo...what melts everything away for you?  Whenever I see my nephew (or
> drive any of my Monte Carlos or my Caprice Classic), all the troubles of the
> world just seem to disappear.  Who or what does that for you?
> Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker
> ** MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 =
> http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
> "We'd all live in a quiet house, without Big Bird or Mickey Mouse" ... Oak
> Ridge Boys ... 'Thank God For Kids'

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