[efu-mail] Scrim match

  • From: "Richard Adams" <develion@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <efu-mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 01:38:56 -0000

We've been approached for a scrim with the squad SoV. Their site is 
www.soldiersofvirtue.com if you want to have a look. I believe they are a very 
competent squad and it would be good for us to go out and have a scrap with a 
good squad. No times have been agreed, nor days for that matter. I've suggested 
evening GMT (afternoon US) on a Saturday. Please post on the forums with your 
suggestions. If you can't be bothered with that then email me but not by 
replying to this coz you'll email everyone.
I'd like as many people to put their names forward for the games. That way we 
can field a strong side against SoV and hopefully give them a good game. If you 
are interested I strongly reccomend you attend the training on Mondays and any 
later ones I arrange to help get to know each other and if need be to help me 
"pick" a side. As usual check for the forums for updates and I'll email 
everyone at a later date with more details.


p.s. Don't reply to this email unless its for everyone to see.
pps - Hi to all the new members. I've subscribed you all to the mailing list. 
If you don't wanna be on it just email me (with a reason of course!).

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