[edi581] Powerpoint Articles

  • From: "livery" <livery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <edi581@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 23:58:38 -0400

Summary: Friends Don't Let Friends Use PowerPoint  In this article Tom Stewart 
advocates banning the use of PowerPoint for presentations.  He believes they 
are used excessively as a means of providing information.  Stewart feels they 
don't provide audiences with much variation in particular reference to the way 
a presenter plugs in, shows slides, reads bullets, and says, "Thank you" when 
the presentation is done.  In Tom's opinions, some audiences become bored with 
this type of assembly line use of PowerPoint.  According to Tom's point of view 
PowerPoint is "Pointless."
Response: I happen to agree with Tom Stewart to some extent. I think that if 
PowerPoint is not used creatively to engage audience interest in the 
information it provides, as well as the understandings to be gained, then it 
does become rather boring.  However, I disagree that it should be banned. I 
believe that adequately prepared presentations can and should be use, 
especially those that reflect audience and purpose.
Summary:  PowerPoint No, Cyberspace Yes  In this article Tom Creed compares 
electronic communication such as I-mail and electronic conferencing to 
Microsoft's PowerPoint presentation graphics . Creed believes in the use of 
digital technology to enhance students learning, however he does not think 
PowerPoint is useful for accomplishing such goals.  He thinks that it is too 
teacher centered and controlled with particular reference to lectures time and 
pace of course material.  Tom feels that it promotes student passivity.  On the 
other hand, Creed believes that electric communication is far more student 
centered and controlled in terms of students actively engaging and interacting 
with technology. They control the learning pace. 
Response:  I really don't agree with Tom Creed's point of view regarding the 
use of electronic communication over PowerPoint.  I think that either form of 
digital technology can be used effectively to enhance student's learning if the 
instructional objectives are clear and purposeful.

Summary: PowerPoint Is Not Evil  Tom Rocklin's article responds a little to the 
article written by Tom Creed. Rocklin agrees with Creed that PowerPoint can 
support bad bad teaching.  He goes on to say that it can also be used to 
enhance students learning.  Rocklin believes that the way PowerPoint and any 
available  form of tecnology is used are factors that relate to good and bad 
teaching.  He provides an example of how useful PowerPoint was in helping 
students by explaing various ways it was used to present, outline, and 
graphically visualize concepts and supportive information.  
Reaction:  I agree with Tom Rocklin's article, especially when he discussing 
the point about how good and bad teaching with any technology depends on how it 
instructionally applied by the educator as well as how students interact with 

La Rita Ivery
Class website:   http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/taylor/suny/
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