[edi581] Assignment #2

  • From: "Christine Wilcox" <cwilcox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: edi581@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 17:17:42 -0400

Hi everyone!,

In Power Point is not Evil, Rocklin talks about a classroom where a
teacher used Power Point to teach students. He learned that powerpoint
helps students understand better,in some cases becuase they can actually
see an example of what the teacher is talking about. He gave use and use
of power point and stated that the use of powerpoint in the classroom was

In PowerPoint no, Cyperspace yes, the author told of the values of using
powerpoint as a lecture tool.  He talks about how he can fit a lot of
information on a slide show and throw it at the learners. It's just a more
sofisticated way of lecturing. He doesn't believe that it enhances the
learning outcome in any way, shape or form.

In the last article by Creed, he says that he believes that technology
should only be used if it helps to enhance the learning in some way. Using
the computer should have a real impact on the lesson or Creed beleives it
shouldn't be used. He looks at email as thinks that this has a real
purpose and helps the students become stimulated. He doesn't believe Power
Point is worth while.

Friends Don't Let Friends Use Power Point, is a funny point of view. It
begins with a small conversation in which Stewart tells of how Power Point
is a negative technology and should not be used.  Thomas Stewart believes
that Power Point stops the creativity of a presenter, and makes it less
individualized. They all look the same with Power Point. 

I believe that to make a Power Point presentation worth while, it must
involve students and explain what you're presenting in the best way

Class website:   http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/taylor/suny/
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