[eclipse-arduino-dev] Re: Add another example to the same project (and what is a sketch)

  • From: Jan Baeyens <jan@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: eclipse-arduino-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2016 18:02:44 +0100

sketch is the name Arduino uses for a file that contains setup and loop. AFAIK it comes from what we in Dutch call sketch https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sketch but it doesn't have to be comical . From the logic from Arduino this makes sense to me as Arduino explains Arduino as "It's intended for anyone making interactive projects." Projects not in the sense of eclipse projects but real life (artistic) projects like a sketch.

For me the code of the sketch that is compiled and uploaded = a eclipse project. In short a sketch = a eclipse project.

For me when we create a new sketch we make a cdt project. As we include the core files delivered by arduino and the "sketch" (here used as the file containing setup and loop) I guess you can call it a multi-file project.

>Is it possible to add another source from the list of examples after the project has already been created?
As I can not believe the answer is drag and drop I do not understand the question.

Op 5/03/2016 om 17:08 schreef Wim Jongman:

Is it possible to add another source from the list of examples after the project has already been created? I am also confused about the term sketch. What is a sketch in the context of the EA-I? When we create a "new sketch", we really create a new multi-file project.




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