[eagleengineering] Re: Regarding the Bake Sale

  • From: "Karen Hillblom" <KandNplace@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <eagleengineering@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 14:41:22 -0800

Nick Hillblom will bring some things too.  What do you want him to bring and I 
will send it with him to school.  The attached flyer dosen't open.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: BigHeavenlyEyes@xxxxxxx 
  To: eagleengineering@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 8:48 PM
  Subject: [eagleengineering] Regarding the Bake Sale

  Hello fellow robotiers, 

  Since the robotics bakesale is the day before valentine's day, the public 
relations team has decided that we should make the bakesale valentine's day 
themed.(other ppl agree, please email back if you dont like this idea).  Flyers 
have been made to advertise our event and we have the permission to post them 
around campus. (i have attached)  Also, we can ask to place an announcement for 
it in the bulletin. 

      When we first came up with the idea of the bakesale, we roughly jotted 
down who wanted to bring what.  I have attacked a copy of what "you" signed up 
for.  please email me if ur name is not on the list or you want to change what 
you're contributing. 

      I have a question.  Some members of the team said that we should sell 
energy drinks and we would make "LOADS" of money off of them because the school 
doesn't sell them, and everyone loves them. i was wondering if we are allowed 
to sell them.  and if we are, who volunteers to buy them.  

      Those of us that are not contributing with sweets and snacks can 
contribute by bringing "valentine's day themed" table clothes, or PINK and 
white, and red BALLOOOOONNS, and decorations to help us celebrate.  

      For that day, Ms. McIntyre needs to fill out a form to tell the physical 
plant how many tables we need set up.  

  what else?

  hopefully this fundraiser will be a success.  we need to promote our robotics 
team and say how COOOOOOLLLL we really are, and how uncool we're not! 

  we need volunteers on the day of the bakesale to help sell, carry things, and 
transport things. lol

  ok so please email me back if u want to help contribute or have any other 

  i'll write another email if i think of anything else

  ok good bye peeps

  p.s. if anyone knows where we can take the bottles/cans, please tell someone 
know, cuz 
   StOnEdFaN527 [8:41 P.M.]:  since we have all that stuff
  StOnEdFaN527 [8:41 P.M.]:  and ants are getting to it
  StOnEdFaN527 [8:41 P.M.]:  we gotta get rid of it

  boos :*

  "it's better to be a human being than a human doing"~buddha

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