[duxuser] Dashes

  • From: "Betsy Whitney, Dolphin Press" <brailleit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "duxuser-freelists.org" <duxuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2006 17:36:19 -1000

Aloha everyone,
I don't know what this symbol looks like but JAWS says N-dash. Example pasted here. ?

This document has this symbol used in different ways throughout the document, so a find and replace is not the answer. When the ? is between phrases such as
I want to go home ? then on to school.

It translates as a -- with a space on each side. I can use the find and replace to get rid of the spaces on each side of it.

However, this ? is also used in words like

When this is translated it doesn't have a space before and after but it is a double dash, example
Any short cuts to help with this mess? I only have 274 print pages to deal with , and only 24 hours in a day. Thanks...

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