[duxhelp] Fw: Re: DBT 10.5 SR2 is ready for beta testing

  • From: "Susan A. Osterhaus" <osterhauss@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 02:00:39 -0600


Although you have fixed many of my very specific math problems from long
ago, I still don't see fixes for the following.  I've attached a Scientific
Notebook (SNB) file containing the desired math symbols, a file with the
incorrect Nemeth translation in DBT, and a file with the correct Nemeth .

1. Does not translate arcs named with two or three letters. The SNB arc
symbol I used is from the decoration icon on the Math Objects toolbar. This
worked with the original MAVIS LaTeX converter. Are you using something else
for the arc? If so, no one can find it. [Thanks SO MUCH for adding back the
ability to use the decoration icon for absolute value. I did find the
obscure shift of the "\" (that is "|") on the keyboard that worked and told
as many people as I could, but using the decoration icon is much more
2. Line XY and ray AB are not translating correctly. On the line XY,  you
need to replace the 8th cell with dots 2,4,6 instead of dots 1,4,6. On the
ray AB, you need to use the superscribed arrow barbed at right not the
superscribed arrow dotted at left and barbed at right.
3. When stating one angle or one triangle is congruent to another, no space
is created between the first angle or triangle and the congruent sign.

What can I do to twist your arm regarding translating matrices and data
tables? The MAVIS LaTeX converter was able to do these, and it really was so
very helpful and time-saving.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Sullivan" <peter@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 12:18 PM
Subject: [duxhelp] Re: DBT 10.5 SR2 is ready for beta testing


The description on "Check for Updates" web site includes this list:

- Contracted German translation.
- Lithuanian translation.
- Somali translation.
- Indonesian translation.
- Further improvements to British braille and to UEB translation.
- The NLS partial-contraction series is revised to match "Instruction
for Braille Transcribers", Fourth Edition.
- Support for publisher's page-break tags embedded in Word documents.
- A fix in Add/Remove Programs behavior, important for multi-user
- Improvements in the Embosser Setup dialog. Settings don't generally
unless you intend to change them.
- The SlsClock program, which can aid in keeping multi-user installations
running, is included.
- JAWS macro fixes and improvements, including support for JAWS 6.0.
- Improved BANA templates.
- French documentation files.
- Over a dozen more corrections and improvements.

The mysteries "corrections and improvements" mentioned last are fixes for
very specific problems reported only by a few people.

We really do need pre-release testing principally to be certain that we
haven't created new problems driving embossers.

- Peter

-----Original Message-----
From: duxhelp-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:duxhelp-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 12:46 PM
To: duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [duxhelp] Re: DBT 10.5 SR2 is ready for beta testing

I downloaded SR2 by using the link in the message.  Where can I find out
what updates were made in this SR2?  Thanks.

Jan Carroll
Contract Administration Manager
American Printing House f/the Blind
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206-0085
Phone: 800-223-1839
Fax: 502-899-2284
Email: jcarroll@xxxxxxx

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