[drivingpairs] Two whips for a pair?

  • From: Anya Getman <agetman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: drivingpairs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 21:19:02 -0500

Can anyone relate their experiences having two people handle the reins for one horse each in a pair?

Why? Imagine two single horse drivers, with 2 single horses, who get along fine ground driving as a pair, but until one of the whips can really master handling both sets of reins at once, and since there are two people along for safety anyway, they want to consider "synchronized driving" for a bit, feeling safer that their fingers won't die of fatigue partway through the drive, or pull the wrong rein / drop a rein when a pickup truck full of teenagers whizzes by, or a garbage can blows in front of them, at least for straight down the road and very slow turns ... any pointers they should keep in mind? Cool ways to synchronize commands, like elbowing/kicking/stepping on each other :)? Or simply screaming gee and haw at the appropriate moment :) ? It would certainly be combined with moments of one whip driving with all 4 reins along quiet stretches, but it would be such a relief to be able to hand one set of reins back over when getting a cramp ....

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